This is part 3 of this extensive deck guide series. Be sure to check out the other sections:
- Part 1: Beginner Guide
- Part 2: Advanced Strategies, Alternate Cards, and Tech Choices
- Part 3: Match-ups and Mulligans
Matchups and Mulligans
In this section, we’re gonna show you how to play against other popular decks – whether you’re a favorite, what to mulligan for and the general strategy of playing against it.
Midrange Druid
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Flamecannon, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Cards you might keep: Unstable Portal (with 1-drop or 2-drop), Flamewaker (with Coin)
Midrange Druid is relatively easy matchup. It basically depends on whether he has answers for your early minions and good ramp.
- Most of the Midrange lists don’t run any 1-drops, so getting mana-wyrm or clockwork-gnome is pretty important. Enemy will have to decide between clearing it or using wild-growth.
- You need to play either of your 2-drops to push for damage. If you put pressure on Druid, he’ll have to play from behind, which is good for you.
- flamecannon is a perfect counter to shade-of-naxxramas. Killing it before it grows is really important.
- The worst card Druid can have against you is keeper-of-the-grove. Its effects work pretty well against your 1-drops and 2-drops, the 2/4 body can get nice trades and you don’t really want to use your removals on it.
- Keep fireball to deal with their bigger threats like druid-of-the-claw.
- mirror-entity is great in this matchup – 2/4 Keeper of the Grove is usually the smallest minion Midrange Druid runs. That’s why you generally shouldn’t cast your Mirror Entity on turn 3, because turn 4 is perfect for Druid to proc it.
- If you find yourself in hard situation and you might die to combo, mirror-image and loatheb can both give you another turn.
- Druid has a hard time dealing with your big Legendaries, so throwing something like ragnaros-the-firelord often means that you win the game if they don’t have big-game-hunter.
- Clear his board all the time, because a single savage-roar can change the outcome.
Ramp Druid
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Flamewaker
Cards you might keep: Unstable Portal (with 1-drop or 2-drop), Mechanical Yeti (with a Coin and good curve)
Matchup against Ramp Druid often depends on whether they get their Wild Growth and innervate. If they start taunting up from turn 4, they might easily stop your early aggression. If they don’t get a good Ramp, or you get really aggressive start and answers for their first Taunts, you should be able to win.
- This matchup is really slow, but you should take it as fast as you can. Play aggressively and force opponent to answer your small threats instead of ramping.
- Ramp Druid often runs zombie-chow, it’s good if you have some answer to it – Frostbolt or Flamecannon. It can stop your advance if you don’t.
- Your mid game is pretty strong, but if the Druid got a good Ramp, he’s gonna be 1 or 2 mana points ahead.
- Mirror Entity is again great, unless enemy has kept Zombie Chow in his hand for some reason. It’s the best way for him to proc it. Play Mirror Entity before his turn 7, it means that he can’t use his ancient-of-war or ancient-of-lore without giving you a strong body. If he wants to proc it with something smaller, it will delay their big drop by one turn.
- Your late game minions will help you with the push. But be careful and don’t completely rely on them to get back on the board, because Ramp Druid always runs at least one copy of big-game-hunter.
- Your deck runs a decent amount of spell reach, so you’re gonna often still finish the game after enemy Taunts up. You have to burn some of it on their minions, but Fireball can often win you a game if you put enough pressure in the early game.
- Since the game is slow, if the enemy already stabilized, you might still have some time to draw into archmage-antonidas and get a couple of Fireballs to finish the game.
Aggro/Face Hunter
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Frostbolt, Flamecannon
Cards you might keep: Flamewaker (with Coin), Mirror Image (with Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
Playing against Face Hunter is about stopping his early aggression. If you manage to do that, you can push much more damage in the mid game.
- Having a 1-drop is really important. Mana Wyrm is the best one, because it often trades 2 for 1.
- Mad Scientist is great. You won’t copy anything good, but it’s free minion that will probably at least trade with itself.
- Flamewaker is great in this matchup. All the 1 damage pings can clear enemy board easily. Your best turn 3 would be Flamewaker + Coin + Mirror Image.
- Your Hero Power works great against their 1 health minions. However, don’t slow too much. If you’re gonna try to Hero Power every turn, Hunter is gonna rush you.
- Your big drops besides Loatheb are pretty useless. Loatheb can give you one more turn to finish Hunter off after stabilizing.
- Face Hunter’s Secret of choice is explosive-trap, try to play around it. Some decks also run freezing-trap, snake-trap or even misdirection, but Explosive is your safest bet.
- Don’t let the game last too long, you need to start pushing around turn 4-5. You have no ways to heal and only Mirror Image to Taunt up. Hunter is gonna put you on a clock really fast.
Midrange Hunter
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Frostbolt, Flamecannon
Cards you might keep: Flamewaker (with Coin), Mirror Image (with Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
First turns are similar to Face Hunter. You try to stop their advance, get board control and start pushing. Unlike Face Hunter, however, after the initial small drops Midrange Hunter starts dropping bigger minions, which are hard to deal with for Tempo Mage.
- First few turns look similar to matchup against Face Hunter. You need to identify that they play Midrange as fast as you can and start playing a little more conservatively. You can’t throw all your removals early if it’s Midrange.
- The main difference is that Midrange Hunter is often gonna trade with your minions. Also, they usually run freezing-trap, but a single snake-trap or explosive-trap is also pretty popular. Freezing Trap is much worse than Explosive, because you lose so much tempo if they get Freezing from Scientist.
- The matchup gets different around turn 4-5. Midrange Hunters use piloted-shredder which is pretty hard to deal with. It usually gets 2 for 1, unless the minion that it drops has 1 health.
- They run Taunts like houndmaster or sludge-belcher, which may make your trades awkward. Not really big threats, though.
- The hardest minion for you to deal with it savannah-highmane. You have no clear way to deal with it, you often have to sacrifice 2-3 cards to kill it.
- You need to keep the board control without overextending. The knife-juggler + unleash-the-hounds combo might wreck your whole board if you play too many things.
- Midrange Hunter also puts you on the clock, a little later than Face Hunter, but once he does that, you need to finish the game soon.
- Your big drops might help, but to drop them you need to get board control first. They might have a hard time dealing with them, but if they have board control and you are at low health, they might just rush you down.
Freeze Mage
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Unstable Portal, Flamewaker
Cards you might keep: Mechanical Yeti (with Coin), Loatheb (if you have a 1 or 2 drop)
Really hard matchup. Since turn 4-5, your board is frozen or cleared for pretty much the rest of the game. But if the Freeze Mage won’t get the proper cards, or you’re gonna get Loatheb and Ragnaros, you should be able to win it.
- Your first turns are really important. You want your minions – not spells. Flamecannon and Frostbolt are often useless at the start. Their only use is to clear mad-scientist and acolyte-of-pain.
- Push as much damage as you can during your first turns, because it will be much harder to do that later.
- Mirror Entity often works against you. When enemy procs it with doomsayer not only he gets rid of the Secret, but also puts a Doomsayer on your side of the board – you can’t deal with it since it detonates at the start of your turn.
- Your big drops are really great. They are often gonna win you the game. Everything from Loatheb upwards is good against Freeze Mage.
- Loatheb is one of the best counters to the deck. Sometimes you want to drop it before turn 8 when you got a strong board. This way frost-nova, their cheapest freeze, is gonna cost 8, and they won’t be able to freeze your board. Other time you can drop it is on the turn you pop the ice-block. Enemy has to choose between freezing your board and playing second Ice Block. The last time is when enemy starts burning you – it usually gives you one more turn, because enemy can cast only one spell.
- Emperor Thaurissan is good because it allows you to do your combos. You often win the game by getting a good Flamewaker or Archmage Antonidas combo, and getting some discounts might help with those.
- Dr. Boom is great because the bombs deal damage even when they die, and the 7 health on the main body makes him pretty hard to kill.
- Archmage Antonidas is good because you might get some additional burn, which you really need. And after you play it, enemy has to deal with it – he can’t just freeze and leave it. Using his burn on minions is one of the ways you might win the game.
- Ragnaros is absolutely best against Freeze Mage. It’s guaranteed 8 damage per turn, freezing doesn’t help, and 8 damage is hard to kill. It requires at least 2 cards to do so – e.g. Fireball + Frostbolt or Frostbolt + ice-lance + Hero Power. If Freeze Mage has no answer, you put him on the clock.
Tempo Mage (mirror)
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Frostbolt, Flamecannon
Cards you might keep: Flamewaker (with Coin), Unstable Portal (with 1-drop or 2-drop)
Mirror matchup. There are couple of different lists going around, but the game generally depends on the draws, RNG and predicting opponent’s moves.
- Both of you play the same style and want to put some early threats on the board. The one with a 1-drop often gets an advantage, because is ahead in tempo. If you spend your turn dealing with their 1-drop, they can play 2-drop etc.
- Mana Wyrm into a removal is probably the best start. You generally want to clear every of their threats.
- Your best Mirror Entity counter is Clockwork Gnome, because you might kill it with your Hero Power. The second one is Sorcerer’s Apprentice + Frostbolt / Flamecannon. On turn 3 you might proc it and instantly kill the minion they’ve got.
- The game is often decided by whoever gets the better Unstable Portals outcome.
- You should keep Flamewaker for the later turns. Enemy has pretty easy time removing it with Frostbolt + Ping or Flamecannon.
- Playing on the curve is really important. You don’t want to waste your mana, because this way you sacrifice the tempo.
- Loatheb is great in the mirror, because it trades well with every of the early and mid game minions and he often blocks enemy turn.
- Try to be the one who has initiative. If you have initiative, you’ll be the one to play your big threats first. When you play your threats first, enemy often has to deal with them instead of playing theirs. Playing on backfoot in this matchup is not what you want.
- Ragnaros can win you the game, because enemy often won’t have a way to deal with it. Almost all the targets it hits are decent, besides the 0/2 Taunts.
- Remember that enemy deck may run flamestrike, so don’t overextend into the turn 7. If you have somewhat big board, you might actually use Loatheb on turn 6 to deny the Flamestrike.
Aggro Paladin
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Frostbolt
Cards you might keep: Flamewaker (with Coin), Mirror Image (with Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
Pretty equal match. If you survive the first couple of turns, you should be in a good spot. Once you get your Flamewaker rolling, it’s hard for a Paladin to come back. Be careful, though, because he might just rush you down.
- Once again, you want your early drops. Aggro Paladin is probably gonna start with a 1-drop or shielded-minibot, both of which are great tempo-wise.
- Try to remove every minion they play. Your pings and Frostbolts are the best. Flamecannon is pretty bad in this matchup because of how unreliable it is. After enemy uses muster-for-battle, he has so many targets on the board, and hitting 1/1 is not optimal.
- Shielded Minibot is really annoying, because you need to spend 2 mana just to ping off his Divine Shield. It gives enemy a lot of tempo. Knife Juggler is much better for you, because you can kill it much easier.
- Flamewaker is really great in this matchups. You shouldn’t drop it on turn three though, if you don’t have Mirror Image. He dies to truesilver-champion, and he’s too valuable to just throw him like that.
- Don’t leave any Divine Shields up going into turn 4. Aggro Paladins often use blessing-of-kings, and using Kings on a minion with Divine Shield gets much higher value.
- mechanical-yeti is really good, because it doesn’t die to truesilver-champion. It’s pretty tricky to deal with if you have the board control.
- If you stabilize, your mid game should be stronger and you should be able to push him back.
- Play your hand. Don’t keep the cards. Aggro Paladins run divine-favor which is gonna get much more value if you play conservatively.
Midrange Paladin
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Frostbolt
Cards you might keep: Flamewaker (with Coin), Unstable Portal (with minions to play)
Another equal matchup. This time, his starts are usually slower and it’s easier to get early board control, but Midrange Paladin has much stronger mid game than the Aggro version.
- If you get some early minions and Paladin misses an early drop, it’s hard for him to come back on tempo. You’re rarely gonna win games with your early aggression, but if he misses first two or three turns, it might happen.
- Proceed with the standard play of keeping small threats and clearing the board. Shielded Minibot and Muster for Battle are again hard to deal with.
- Your early aggression is usually stopped around turn 4 with truesilver-champion and consecration.
- Midrange Paladin has really strong mid game, so be careful. Your removals are gonna come handy.
- You might actually play the value game against Midrange Paladin. Your big drops are really strong, so once you get into the late game, Paladin has pretty hard time dealing with some of them.
- Loatheb is great against their board clears, if you have the strong board, they can’t equality + Consecration.
- Keep Flamewaker for the mid game combos. Use him only if you have 2-3 spells to follow. Try to get as much value from your cards as you can.
- Archmage Antonidas is another card that is gonna get you high value. The only good way they have to deal with it is equality. Aim to draw at least 2 or 3 Fireballs from him. If he survives, you won the game most of time.
- Don’t keep your burn to finish enemy off, unless you’re really close. Midrange Paladin runs antique-healbot and lay-on-hands, both of which are great counters to your burn.
- Keep all the Silver Hand Recruits cleared to deny the quartermaster value. Without Flamestrike, it’s hard to deal with 3-4 buffed tokens.
- Your late game is generally stronger. The only threats you need to worry about are sylvanas-windrunner and tirion-fordring. The first one is not that scary if you have a lot of small minions, but Tirion might get much bigger value. Dealing with the main body is not that hard (ping + Fireball), but the 5/3 weapon is gonna get huge value. Try to counter his turn 8 with mirror-entity to not allow him to drop Tirion. Slowing him even by one turn may change the outcome of the game.
Oil Rogue
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Frostbolt, Flamewaker
Cards you might keep: Unstable Portal (with minions to play), Loatheb (Coin and with smooth curve), Mirror Image (with Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
The matchup might go either way. Oil Rogue runs a lot of answers for your early threats, but he often needs to take considerable amount of face damage with his weapon.
- Most of your early threats are gonna be removed easily. Mana Wyrm is actually the best card you can get, because it has 3 health – it doesn’t die to backstab or si7-agent alone and has a potential to deal much damage over course of few turns. Also, getting a 1 drop puts you ahead on the tempo.
- Sorcerer’s Apprentice isn’t that good on turn 2, especially if enemy has Coin (to combo with SI:7 Agent). Mad Scientist is much better, Mirror Entity is really valuable here. The smallest minions Rogue runs are 3/3’s (getting a free 3/3 on turn 3 is not bad) or bloodmage-thalnos, which lets you cycle for another card.
- Flamewaker is pretty good on turn 3, especially if enemy has no way to combo eviscerate.
- Throwing a Frostbolt into Rogue’s face is sometimes a viable play to deny weapon attack, possibly with deadly-poison.
- Be careful and don’t overextend into blade-flurry. 2-3 minions at a time are enough.
- Mechanical Yeti is a great turn 4 play. 5 health is hard to deal with and 4 damage per turn is much. It also contests violet-teacher if Rogue plays one.
- Play Loatheb on turn 5. The effect is great, but there is usually no point in keeping it. You want to get the 5/5 on the board to push for damage. Denying the ability to clear your board for one turn is a great addition.
- Your big drops are great if you have the initiative, but bad if Rogue’s on the roll. If something like ragnaros-the-firelord gets sapped, you’re losing 6 mana of tempo. You may just replay it on the next turn, but if enemy has board control, he’s just gonna kill you in the meantime.
- Fireballs are great way to finish enemy off – Rogue is quickly gonna run out of health and you can often surprise them with a huge burst.
- Most of the Oil Rogue lists run a single antique-healbot, some of them also use earthen-ring-farseer, so remember that when you want to burst them.
Mech Shaman
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Frostbolt, Flamecannon
Cards you might keep: Unstable Portal (with minions to play), Mirror Image (with Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
Really fast matchups. Most of the games are gonna be decided by turn 5-6. If you can keep the board control, Mech Shaman won’t have a chance to come back. Sometimes you’re just not gonna draw into proper answers and you’re gonna lose, though.
- 1-drops are your best friends in this matchup. You need something to trade with their minions or at least totems.
- You need the Flamecannon or Frostbolt. mechwarper and whirling-zap-o-matic are the biggest threats in the early game. You absolutely need to deal with them. Flamecannon also works great against spider-tank.
- If you start putting minions, enemy will have to use their burn to clear. Most of their burn also puts an Overload on them, making their next turn much worse.
- Put Mirror Entity on turn 4 to counter fel-reaver. If you don’t have it, be sure to have some way to deal with their Reaver. If it hits your face one time, sometimes you can get away with it, but definitely do not let it hit you two times. Even something like mirror-image can stop it for at least one turn (unless Shaman has doomhammer).
- fire-elemental is gonna kill one of your minions, but you should deal with it pretty easily. Both Flamecannon and Fireball kills it. Even Frostbolt + pinging 2 turns in a row is a decent way.
- Clear all the Totems Shaman spawns. They might get incredible value with flametongue-totem.
- Try to not lose more than ~15 health in the early game. Mech Shaman might get some crazy burst with Doomhammer + rockbiter-weapon.
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Unstable Portal
Cards you might keep: Archmage Antonidas (if you get 1-drop and 2-drop you can play)
Very hard matchup. You can rush him down easily, but once you get him too low, he can stabilize with big Taunts and heal back up.
- Playing against Handlock is tricky. On the one hand, you want your early minions, just like always. Your first turns are gonna be easy, you should get him down to ~15 by turn 4-5.
- Against Handlock, you need to decide whether you want to try to rush him down or you try to stall the game and wait for your big legendaries or more burn.
- Mad Scientist & Mirror Entity are pretty good, because it blocks their turns. The best way they can proc it is ancient-watcher, but if they don’t have one, they’re often gonna need to give you something bigger.
- It may feel wrong, but you might keep the Archmage Antonidas in your starting hand. Even 2 additional Fireballs might win you this game. All you need is some burn.
- If your hand is not promising, you might just go for it and hope that he doesn’t have molten-giants. Generally, you want to get him low enough for him to be able to cast Molten, but not low enough to be able to cast Molten + Sunfury Protector. Then, you want to push from ~15 health to 0 in one turn. It’s usually not easy, but you might do that sometimes. If you can’t, you sometimes have to rely on him not drawing Moltens for you to win.
- If you’re doing the “hard push” tactic described above, be sure to do that before turn 7. That’s the moment it can backfire most. On turn 7, if you get him below 10, he might use Molten Giant (or even two of them) + antique-healbot + sunfury-protector. That usually means you have no chance to win.
- If you’re going for the slow game, never get him below 20 health unless you can make a one big push. Him not being able to use Moltens at all may be a big deal.
- Ragnaros is pretty good in this matchup. It’s gonna often either snipe a Giant or kill Warlock.
Zoo Warlock
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Frostbolt, Flamewaker
Cards you might keep: Unstable Portal (with Mana Wyrm or Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
Both you and Zoo Warlock are tempo-based decks. You gain the tempo with spells, Zoo gains it with minions. Your game plan and strength is similar, but with the amount of early removals you have, if you get a good start, you should be a slight favorite.
- Mana Wyrm is absolutely the best card you can have, especially if you also have the Frostbolt or Flamecannon. Clockwork gnome is also pretty fine. It only loses to haunted-creeper start from the enemy.
- Mad Scientist is again great. It may get Silenced, but then you can just ping the Owl. If it’s not, Zoo will often give you something useful for free.
- If you manage to keep Sorcerer’s Apprentice on the board, you’re gonna get a lot of tempo.
- If you have a clear way to kill nerubian, you might pop the nerubian-egg by yourself and do it. If Warlock will be the one activating it, he’s gonna get more value with cards like abusive-sergeant, power-overwhelming and void-terror.
- Flamecannon is good against imp-gang-boss.
- Flamewaker is tricky in this matchup. On the one hand, pings are pretty good to deal with their low health minions and tokens. On the other hand, hitting Imp Gang Boss or Nerubian Egg may work against you.
- Mechanical Yeti is awesome. It counters most of his early and mid game drops.
- Be sure that you’re the one trading. Don’t let Warlock take the initiative, because thanks to the buffs, he’s gonna get much better trades. Keep his board clear and he’s gonna have hard time coming back.
- If you want to pop voidcaller, be sure to have some answers to either doomguard or malganis. That’s one of the ways for the Warlock to win the game.
- Your late game is generally stronger, but they can draw 2 cards per turn. If they tap too much, you might be able to punish them with your burn. Be aware of their health total, if they get too low you want to stop controlling the board and rush them. They have no way to gain health, so you can finish them off with your burn.
Control Warrior
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mirror Image, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Flamewaker
Cards you might keep: Unstable Portal (with Mana Wyrm or Sorcerer’s Apprentice), Mechanical Yeti (with a Coin and good curve)
Generally, against Control Warrior, you’re favorite. Most of the games will be won with the early aggression. But if it fails, you have some other ways to win it. You might finish it with your big legendaries or draw couple of Fireballs from Antonidas.
- As always, the start is really important. The game’s outcome is often decided by whether the Warrior has fiery-war-axe or not. It can really mess with your early game.
- Mirror Image is a great counter to the War Axe, though. The best combos are Mana Wyrm + Coin + Mirror Image when going second and Sorcerer’s Apprentice + Mirror Image when going first.
- If you get a good start, you might consider Frostbolting Warrior’s face to deny him ability to use the weapon. It’s especially good if you have Sorcerer’s Apprentice and/or Flamewaker on the board already.
- Mirror Entity is not really good during the first turns, but getting it from Mad Scientist is never bad. It gets much better before his turn 5 and 6 to counter sludge-belcher and shieldmaiden respectively.
- Do not overextend into turn 5, because enemy might brawl. Having 2-3 minions on the board is usually enough to put pressure.
- If your early game rush fails, your big legendaries are gonna help greatly. If you get Archmage Antonidas, you might want to keep couple of cheap spells. If Warrior gets all his Armor gains, he might easily get 30+ Armor during the game. You often need the additional burn from Antonidas to finish him off.
- Don’t try to out-value the Warrior in the late game, though. His deck has much better late game and he’s gonna get 2 Armor per turn, which after couple of turns is gonna get him far out of range of your burn. Be aggressive throughout the whole game, unless you know that your only way is to stall the game and draw into Antonidas.
Patron Warrior
Cards you look for: Mana Wyrm, Clockwork Gnome, Mirror Image, Mad Scientist, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Flamewaker
Cards you might keep: Unstable Portal (with Mana Wyrm or Sorcerer’s Apprentice), Mechanical Yeti (with a Coin and good curve)
First few turns are pretty similar to Control Warrior. But unlike Control Warrior, Patron Warrior significantly speeds up after turn 5-6. You want to rush him down before he can do his combos. Really hard matchup.
- You absolutely need to get a fast early game. Your small drops need to do a lot of damage.
- If the Warrior gets something like fiery-war-axe into dread-corsair into deaths-bite, you can’t do much and you most likely lost the game.
- If he stops your early game and starts doing his grim-patron combos, you have no way to deal with them. You’re gonna lose a lot of games on turn 5-6 just because he has something like Grim Patron + inner-rage + whirlwind.
- Flamewaker is great until his Patron turn, and then he starts working against you. With Flamewaker on the board you often can’t draw cards with Arcane Intellect or even put Mirror Entity up, because you might spawn more Patrons with your pings.
- If enemy actually doesn’t have the Grim Patron, you big legendaries are gonna work wonders in this matchup. Their only removals are 2 Executes, and they’re probably gonna use at least one on your smaller drops. Ragnaros can single-handedly win you the game.
- Including flamestrike is gonna greatly increase your win rate against Patron Warrior. Right now, when he spawns a board full of Patrons, you have no way to deal with them. With Flamestrike, you can easily clear it.
This is part 3 of this extensive deck guide series. Be sure to check out the other sections:
- Part 1: Beginner Guide
- Part 2: Advanced Strategies, Alternate Cards, and Tech Choices
- Part 3: Match-ups and Mulligans
Published: Jun 30, 2015 02:01 pm