This is part 1 of this extensive deck guide series. Be sure to check out the other sections:
- Part 1: Beginner Guide
- Part 2: Advanced Strategies, Alternate Cards, and Tech Choices
- Part 3: Match-ups and Mulligans
The Aggro/Rush Paladin was always present in the meta, but rarely was rising to the top. About a year ago, the so-called Shockadin build became really popular. Pretty recently another build has risen, this time it was Eboladin, created by Savjz. Right now, Aggro Paladin hit the spotlight again and it became pretty popular pick on both ladder and the tournaments after couple of players achieved high Legend ranks with it.
The deck list we’re gonna present is one of the most popular right now. It’s really flexible and leaves a lot of room for the changes which depend on your play style and preferences.
The idea behind the deck is to flood the board with a lot of minions that are either sticky, have immediate impact or good value for their price. Aggro Paladin has a really low curve and runs out of cards really quickly. To counter that, he uses divine-favor which lets him refill his hand easily, especially against slow decks. If you enjoy quick aggressive games and being in the driver’s seat through the early game, Aggro Paladin is a perfect deck for you.
- Has a potential to deal a lot of damage in the early game.
- Most of your wins are quick and decisive.
- Sticky minions makes it hard for the enemy to clear your board.
- One of the strongest draw mechanics in the game – Divine Favor – fits the deck perfectly.
- Deck has a really consistent curve – you rarely miss an early drop.
- Weapon damage and minions with Charge are hard to stop and Aggro Paladin has a lot of them.
- In worst case scenario, once you start running out of minions, you can summon 1/1’s with Hero Power. They aren’t the highest priority to kill, but can sneak some damage over couple of turns.
- Nonexistent late game.
- It’s hard to finish enemy off once he stabilizes.
- Vulnerable to AoE removals.
- The deck is heavily reliant on Divine Favor, because it’s the only draw mechanic.
- Aggro Paladin needs the early board control to deal damage – if he loses it, he loses the game.
Favored against:
- Handlock
- Midrange Druid
- Mech Shaman
- Midrange Hunter
- Midrange Paladin
Equal against:
- Tempo Mage
- Face Hunter
- Control Warrior
- Zoo Warlock
- Freeze Mage
Unfavored against:
- Patron Warrior
- Oil Rogue
- Control Priest
- Ramp Druid
Disclaimer: Since the Aggro Paladin wasn’t throughly tested yet and there are a lot of builds with different tech cards, some of the above matchups may be put in a wrong category.
Card Choices
The deck list we present is pretty well-rounded one with enough of everything – 1 drops, Silences, buffs, weapons, Charge minions. The list is really flexible and there are many alternate cards you might fit in, you can read about those in the part 2 of the guide. Right now, we’re gonna go through our choices, explain the place of each card in the deck and how to use them.
Blessing of Might
A really strong card in an aggressive deck. The buff is really cheap, because it buffs only attack, it doesn’t increase minion’s survivability. While it’s a bad thing in slower deck, your minions are really expendable. They die, you put new ones. At the baseline, Blessing of Might is 3 damage for 1 mana, which is not bad. However, since the buff is permanent, enemy still has to deal with the buffed minion. This means that if you buff a simple 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit to 4/1, enemy is usually forced to either ping it (and waste tempo) or use a removal on it (and waste tempo plus removal). It has great synergy with Divine Shields – it means that enemy has to either Silence the minion to get rid off it or hit your buffed minion twice. When you buff a minion with Divine Shield, Blessing of Might often pushes for 6 or 9 damage – great value for 1 mana.
Abusive Sergeant
Abusive Sergeant makes your trading much easier. Because you fight for early board control, you want to keep clearing everything enemy plays. The +2 attack buff is great because it makes your minion trade up. A 1-drop can easily kill a 3-drop, which leads to you being 2 mana ahead. The 2/1 body is also nice for a 1-drop – since a lot of your minions need to be pinged it is much more likely gonna survive. Might be also used to push for an additional 2 damage into enemy Hero. You’re playing Aggro deck so using him to do that is almost never wrong. It has good synergy with Divine Shields – they make trades much easier, because your minions survive after killing something. You might get rid of 4 attack minion with your shielded-minibot and you still save the 2/2 minion. Great thing about Abusive Sergeant in this deck is that with all the expendable 1/1’s, you’re always gonna have some target for his Battlecry.
Argent Squire
Even though the 1/1 stats are bad for an aggressive 1-drop, Argent Squire serves a little different purpose. The Divine Shield on 1-drop is really strong. Against fast decks, he usually trades 2 for 1 with other 1-drops. Against slower decks, he requires 2 hits to get rid of. Even without buffs, the 1 damage per turn may not seem much, but Argent Squire might stick for a long time. Great target for blessing-of-might, abusive-sergeant and blessing-of-kings. On the one hand the Divine Shield has high priority for enemy to remove but on the other it’s often hard to do so.
Leper Gnome
Probably the most aggressive 1-drop there is. If not Silenced (and if enemy Silences your Leper Gnome, usually you’re happy with that outcome) it deals at least 2 damage for 1 mana. And has to be dealt with. It means that in the worst case scenario it requires enemy to spend their early turn to deal with it while still taking 2 damage. In the best case scenario it might stick for longer and deal even up to 8-10 damage. Because you run a lot of 1 health minions, it often stays for a long time, thus dealing a lot of damage. In the late game, don’t worry to drop it even if enemy can just deal with it. It’s always some additional damage and you don’t want to keep cards in your hand for too long.
Southsea Deckhand
Even though it’s a 1-drop, you usually don’t want to drop it on turn 1, unless you have no other play. You want to use it when you have a weapon up, so it gets Charge and you can deal 2 damage instantly. When it comes to the weapons, the deck runs 5 different weapons with a total of 15 charges. You’re gonna have a weapon equipped for the most part of the match. A 2/1 Charge for 1 mana is great value – you might compare it to wolfrider, which costs 2 more mana for just 1 more damage.
Argent Protector
Divine Shields have great synergy with the deck. So a minion that gives a Divine Shield to anything you want also fits in. Argent Protector is something like a reverse shielded-minibot – instead of having Divine Shield, it can give it to another minion. You use it to make your board more resilient, especially against AoE clears. Putting Divine Shields on buffed minions or high value minions (like knife-juggler) means that enemy is gonna have harder time dealing with those. And the 2/2 body also can push for some damage or get a decent trade if you need. Try to not drop him on empty board, because his Battlecry is really precious.
Ironbeak Owl
Silence fits every aggressive deck. The first use is a “value” silence – you use it to get rid of enemy buffs, Deathrattles and other card effects. For example, sometimes you Silence enemy savannah-highmane when you have to kill it – in this situation Silence has killed two 2/2’s, which is a great value. Another kind of Silence is an offensvie Silence. It’s your main way to get through the Taunts. When you play deck like Aggro Paladin, you try to ignore enemy minions in the mid game and only pick good trades. Having to kill a sludge-belcher with 3 of your minions is not a good trade. Ironbeak Owl allows you to push for a lot of damage and fits the “many small minions” way of thinking. A 2/1 body is small, but enemy still has to kill it. In some cases, you might also Silence your own minions to get rid of the effects like aldor-peacekeeper‘s Battlecry of Freeze, but you rarely do that with this deck.
Knife Juggler
One of the most important cards in the deck. Probably the best neutral 2-drop you can fit into any Aggro deck. Being a 3/2 minion for 2 mana is okay by itself, but the effect is what makes him so great. Whenever you summon a minion, he throws a knife and deals 1 damage to random enemy minions. Considering that your deck’s aim is to flood the board, you often play 2 or 3 minions per turn. It means that besides the standard 3 damage, Juggler usually deals couple of additional points every turn he stays on the board. If those juggles hit enemy Hero – that’s fine, they get you closer to killing him. If they hit minions – it’s usually also fine, because it might allow some great trades on your side and makes the opponent’s ability to trade 2 for 1 severely limited. High priority target for the enemy, try to keep him protected, because he might win you the game if left unchecked. What’s worth noting is that Knife Juggler has good synergy with Paladin Hero Power – even if you run out of minions, you can still get one juggle per turn when summoning Silver Hand Recruits.
Shielded Minibot
Another really strong 2-drop. The most important thing is that it’s so sticky. Enemy has hard time dealing with it, because before removing the body he first has to get rid of Divine Shield. Enemy has to waste his Silence, weapon hit or mana for ping in order to deal with the Shield and he still has to kill the 2/2 minion. Really strong turn 2 play, but he easily scales into the mid game since your deck runs some buffs. Really sticky minion that you can generally drop into enemy mid game removals, because he’s gonna survive them. Can easily trade up thanks to the cards like Blessing of Might or Abusive Sergeant.
First weapon in your deck. With 2 attack and 3 charges, you can deal up to 6 damage with it, split among 3 targets. It’s really important, because against many decks you’re gonna use it to clear the board and protect your minions. When used against Aggro, it might clear most of their 1-drops and 2-drops. And if you use it on enemy Hero, it’s a 6 damage for 3 mana, which is not bad at all. Weapon’s effect is also important. You don’t really want to use it when you have nothing on the board, since giving minion both Divine Shield and Taunt is great. Your Silver Hand Recruit becomes almost as good as annoy-o-tron. Taunt is nice in Aggro matchups, for example Face Hunter often needs to throw two minions into your small Taunt in order to kill him. Against slower decks, it again makes your board harder to remove and Divine Shields get nice synergy with buffs. Just like Annoy-O-Tron, the 1/1 with both Divine Shield and Taunt might protect your whole board against bigger minions easily.
Divine Favor
Your main and only draw mechanic. Many of your games will be won just because you’ve drawn 5+ cards with Divine Favor. The card is really strong in this deck for couple of reasons. First of all, your mana curve is really low. It means that you’re gonna run out of cards much faster than most of your opponents. By running a lot of 1-drops you sometimes dump your whole hand by turn 3 or 4. The second thing is that by running so much 1 health minions, you often force your enemy to use their pings – e.g. when you play against Mage, he is gonna use his Hero Power really often, leaving him with a lot of cards in the hand. Many of the effects that deal 1 damage also draw cards – mortal-coil, fan-of-knives. It ensures that enemy is gonna have big card advantage. The last thing is king-mukla. It throws two additional cards into your opponent’s hand, which has great synergy with Divine Favor. Using the arcane-intellect as a baseline – 2 cards for 3 mana, Divine Favor will usually draw you at least 3 or 4 cards and in some matchups you might easily get 5 cards or more.
Muster for Battle
A really strong addition to Paladin’s deck. Even though this Aggro build doesn’t run quartermaster to synergize with Muster for Battle, the card is still great by itself. When it comes to the total stats, it’s like summoning a 3/3 minion. But summoning three 1/1’s is stronger most of times, because the stats are divided between three different bodies. It means that enemy has to hit three times or use AoE to deal with those. Really sticky and hard to deal with on turn 3. They also synergize with your knife-juggler – he throws a knife for every minion you summon, so Muster means 3 knives. The 1/4 weapon (lights-justice) is also fine. Against Aggro decks you use it to clear their small drops, and it works really well at doing that. Against slower decks, it gives you additional 1 damage for trades or you just hit enemy 4 times into the face – 4 additional damage is never bad. It also a great way to activate Charge on southsea-deckhand. Don’t keep the charges, you want to hit with it every turn – you are running a lot of other weapons and Light’s Justice is the one with lowest priority anyway.
Arcane Golem
Not exactly a 3-drop, you rarely want to use him on turn 3, because you give enemy more mana to work with. Still, not worst if you have no other play. It puts a lot of pressure on the enemy, especially if he runs no AoE board clears. By turn 3, you should already have some other board presence, and a 4/2 with Charge added to the mix might really put enemy in difficult spot. Later in the game, it’s great way to deal last points of damage to kill your opponent. It might be combined with your buffs, weapons and other Charge minions to burst enemy down. In worst case scenario, might be used to trade with enemy minions if you’re close to dying. The later you’re getting into the game, the less important Arcane Golem’s effect is. Giving one mana to enemy on turn 3 is a big deal, but if you do that on turn 7, it often doesn’t matter.
King Mukla
A really interesting choice. A 5/5 minion for 3 mana is huge, probably one of the best things you can drop on turn 3. It has a downside, though. It gives two bananas to your enemy. It means that he might buff his minions to make his trades easier. This, however, doesn’t come for free. Using two bananas is 2 mana. So if enemy wants to answer your 3-drop, he needs to waste most of his mana. If dropped on empty board, where enemy has no target to buff, Mukla might push for a lot of damage. Giving enemy two Bananas clogs his hand. He often can’t really fit them into his curve and they just stay in his hand for a long time. They have great synergy with Divine Favor – you’re often gonna draw 2 more cards thanks to them. You might also use him to burn a card against decks like Handlock of Freeze Mage, because they often operate with 8+ cards. But on the other hand, be careful against using him in some situations. Against Handlock he might burn cards, but he might also allow much cheaper mountain-giants. Or let’s say Tempo Mage might use them as a cheap way to activate flamewaker.
Truesilver Champion
Last weapon in the list, one of the most recognizable Paladin cards. Even though you’re playing an Aggro deck, the main idea behind the Truesilver is to help you with trading. Generally, unless you’re pushing for lethal, you want to use your weapons to protect your minions. When minions stick to the board, they might attack every turn – weapons have limited number of charges. When you combine your Truesilver with small minions, you can easily trade even for most of 5-drops and 6-drops. Great way to take down the mid game Taunts. In case you’re already pushing enemy hard and you want to hit the face, it’s also great. Truesilver is 8 damage for 4 mana over course of 2 turns. The 4 points of heal might come handy against Aggro decks, sometimes you need just a little more life to work with.
Blessing of Kings
Blessing of Kings is rarely used in Constructed. Even though the +4/+4 buff is huge, it’s pretty bad against Silence, against big-game-hunter (when used on 3+ attack minion) and doesn’t do much most of times. However, in an Aggro deck like that, it’s really good. First of all, enemy is often forced to Silence your Knife Juggler, your Divine Shields or even Blessing of Might. It means that Kings’ buff is much safer. Second thing, Silence doesn’t completely deal with a minion. When you buff a 2/1, it gets back to 2/1. Enemy still has to kill it and in worst case scenario, Blessing of Kings has pushed for 4 damage and made enemy turn awkward (because he had to use Silence instead of dropping something bigger), so wasn’t completely wasted. If enemy has no answer, hitting two or three times with buffed minion is usually gonna win you the game. Try to put the buff on your 1 or 2 attack minions so they aren’t vulnerable to Big Game Hunter. Also, buffing a Divine Shield minion is awesome. In this case, you often want to trade your Divine Shield for enemy mid game drop. 6/6 Shielded Minibot can take most of the things they’re gonna drop up to turn 6 without taking any damage. Also a nice way to finish enemy off combined with a Charge minion.
Mainly an anti-Aggro card. One of the best cards in the fast matchup. Since you’re often gonna try to rush each other down and most of enemy minions are gonna have low health, Consecration gives you a full board clear on turn 4. Good way to reach the minions you can’t otherwise because they’re for example hidden behind a Taunt. Against slower deck, it might help with the trades and pushing for the last points of damage. 2 damage for 4 mana is not great, but often is gonna seal the deal.
Leeroy Jenkins
Even after the nerf, Leeroy Jenkins still finds its place in some Aggro decks. He’s good in this Aggro Paladin deck, because it struggles to finish enemy off once he clears your board and stabilizes. Your buffs are useless when you don’t have anything on the board, and Leeroy is a way to solve both of those. 6 damage burst from the Leeroy himself, plus as many buffs as you’re gonna fit. It’s easy to squeeze in 10+ damage burst thanks to him and cards like Blessing of Might or Abusive Sergeant. Mainly used as a finisher, but if you have a good way to deal with the 1/1 Whelps (e.g. Light’s Justice and 1/1 token) you might throw him on the board on turn 5. Especially if you’re holding the Divine Favor in your hand and you want to get rid of as many cards as you can.
General Strategy
Aggro Paladin is a rather easy deck when it comes to playing out each turn. You are rarely present with hard choices and most of the time one of the plays stands out and is clearly the best. What is hard about the deck is planning ahead and playing around opponent’s deck. Your aim is to deal as much damage as you can during next few turns. You also want to play around what enemy can do and make your board as tricky to remove as possible. Baiting removals and making enemy play into your divine-favor are other things you need to think about. We’re gonna go through the possible plays you’re often gonna end up making on each turn and describe their strengths and weaknesses. If you want to read about more in-depth strategy against each deck, check out the Matchups and Mulligans part!
Early Game
Early game is the most important period for Aggro Paladin. The deck heavily relies on board presence. Minions are the main way to deal damage, because the deck has almost no spell burn and weapons are often used to keep the board clear. You need to aggressively fight for board control and aim to have at least one or two minions in the play all the time.
Skipping turns while playing Aggro Paladin is a really bad sign. You want to start with a 1-drop, because it puts you ahead of your enemy in terms of tempo. You also get rid of cards in your hand so Divine Favor will get more value in the future. The best 1-drop is either leper-gnome or argent-squire depending on the matchup. Argent Squire is better when you want to trade with opponent’s small drops or when you have some buffs in your hand (abusive-sergeant or blessing-of-might). Leper Gnome is usually better in slower matchups, when you want to put more pressure on the enemy. Try to not drop Abusive Sergeant or southsea-deckhand on turn 1 (they’re gonna get much more value later), but you might do it in some matchups where you really need board presence. Pretty bad against classes that can ping – Mage, Druid, Rogue, because besides a little of the tempo gain, you get nothing else.
Best thing to drop on turn 2 is shielded-minibot. It’s really hard to deal with and you can usually either trade it 2 for 1 or push for a lot of damage over couple of turns. Knife Juggler is much more risky when enemy didn’t use any of his removals yet and can potentially get greater value later, but it’s still a good turn 2 play. Against some decks you might want to use your ironbeak-owl as early as turn 2. It’s a great way to deal with enemy nerubian-egg or mad-scientist. You want to assure that those don’t get too much value. In slower matchups, however, you want to keep Owls for their bigger Taunts. Another good play is using argent-protector on one of your 1-drops – it’s awesome when you want to eat a cake and have it – trade with enemy minion and still have your 1-drop on the board. You might also do a combination of things, like buff your Argent Squire with Abusive Sergeant and drop another 1-drop. Or you can just drop two 1-drops to push the tempo even further.
muster-for-battle is probably the best thing you can do on turn 3. Not only it puts a lot of pressure on your enemy, allows you to trade favorably, but the 1/4 weapon is also pretty useful. Most of decks have hard time removing so many small threats early so you’re gonna push for a lot of damage. coghammer is also great when you already have some board presence. Not only the 2 attack weapon might clear most of the 2-drops enemy played prior to your turn, but the Divine Shield on a minion makes things awkward for the enemy. Especially that you might follow it with some buffs next turn. king-mukla is best when you drop it against empty board. When enemy has some minions, it’s not necessarily that good, because he might just use the bananas to trade with your Mukla. However, if you keep it clear, almost no deck can deal with a 5/5 on turn 3. Mukla hitting two or three times usually means a win. arcane-golem shouldn’t be used as a 3-drop if you have other options. While 4 damage to the face is pretty nice, you don’t really want to give enemy more options. Especially if you’re going second – enemy is gonna have 2 more mana to answer your plays. divine-favor is not really a 3-drop either, you are rarely gonna get good value from it on turn 3. There are some extreme cases where you start with a hand full of 1-drops and dropping it on turn 3 is gonna give you a lot of value. In faster matchups, you aim to draw 2 or 3 cards with your Divine Favor, in slower you want to draw at least 4 or 5. It means that first you want to get rid of your hand. Also, you don’t really want to lose so much tempo on turn 3, because early game pressure is really important for Aggro Paladin.
Mid Game
In the mid game, you want to continue with the game plan – develop the board and push for damage. However, in mid game you want to take only efficient trades. You don’t want to throw let’s say 3 of your minions into enemy 4-drop. Once you get a board advantage, enemy is gonna have much harder time dealing with all of them and you might go face. Pushing for damage is really important.
On the other hand, you want to play around board clears against some classes. Turn 4 or 5 is where AoE spells start showing up. Trading part of your board to keep you safe against board clears might be a good idea. When you feel like you need to overextend into the board – play either a sticky minion like Shielded Minibot or a minion with immediate impact like Southsea Deckhand (assuming you have weapon equipped).
Turn 4 is really big when it comes to your deck. You run three strong 4 mana cards and each of them is good in different situation. truesilver-champion is probably the most all-around. It’s great when you don’t have a weapon equipped already. Switching up the lights-justice isn’t a bad deal too, but you don’t really want to dump your coghammer. Truesilver on turn 4 usually deals with whatever enemy played up to turn 4 and with help of your small minions can also kill most of higher drops. You don’t want to put it on turn 4 just to push for damage, though. It doesn’t put any more pressure on the board, so if you have to choose between playing Truesilver or developing your board (assuming enemy didn’t drop anything that requires dealing with), go for the second option. The second card is blessing-of-kings. This one is really good, because it accomplishes quite a few tasks. First of all, it pushes for damage. It deals at least 4 damage. It forces enemy to deal with the minion, enemies are often gonna use their single target removals like fireball or shadow-word-death on those, leaving you with the initiative once again. If enemy has no way to deal with it, it’s gonna push for much more damage or get some decent trades. Put your Kings on minion with Divine Shield, especially if you want to trade. It saves a lot of health and makes it even more resilient against AoE. The last one is consecration – it’s awesome against faster, Aggro decks. Against decks that require board control to work, like against Zoo Warlock it might straight win you the game. When you play a slower matchup, it generally doesn’t get too much value, but it might soften up enemy minions to get decent trades or help you get through the Taunts more easily.
leeroy-jenkins is your biggest drop, but once again, you often don’t want to drop him on turn 5. You usually want to keep him as a finisher, to deal unexpected burst. But if you have a good way to deal with the 1/1’s, dropping him on 5 is fine if you don’t have anything else. Pushing for 6 damage instantly and maybe for 6 damage next turn if enemy finds no way to deal with it is huge.
Your mid game plan is to push for as much damage as you can, while playing around what enemy might do. Knowledge of opponent’s deck is really crucial. You want to know what removals they run (especially AoE ones) or let’s say if you need to keep Silence for a certain drop they will play or you can use it on whatever you want to.
Playing on the curve is really important. You don’t want to float the mana, you want every bit of tempo you can squeeze. You also want to prepare for the big Divine Favor turns. It’s what wins you many of the games. Opponent can easily stabilize when you’re top decking, because the card quality in your deck isn’t too high. Aggro Paladin can’t top deck something like dr-boom followed by tirion-fordring to win the game. That’s why your domain is quantity over quality. When you’re ahead on the board and you suddenly draw 5 more cards, enemy has limited ways of coming back.
Late Game
Late game is nearly nonexistent in Aggro Paladin. The only cards that are significant in late game are your 4-drops, but they’re mostly situational and much easier to deal with on later turns.
As an Aggro Paladin, you usually want to finish the game by turn 6 or 7, before enemy starts dropping their big bombs and stabilizing. If that doesn’t work, you need to start taking the risks. Stop taking even the good trades, try to go for their face and pray that they have no way to Taunt or heal. The only thing that can save you in the late game is a big Divine Favor turn followed by couple of charge minions.
Aim to win the game as fast as you can. Plan ahead and try to deal as much damage as you can, so you won’t have to get into the late game. Any deck (besides other hyper-Aggro ones) has much stronger late game and a lot of options to stabilize once they wrestle back the board control.
When it comes to the finishers, Leeroy Jenkins is probably the best one. That’s the most burst you’re gonna get in this deck – for 7 or 8 mana you can achieve a little over 10 damage, maybe some more if you have weapon equipped. If your early game aggression went right and enemy didn’t have a lot of ways to heal up, it should be enough.
Win Condition
Aggro Paladin doesn’t have too many win conditions. The deck tunnel visions on early aggression and tempo. If it misses the early drops or gets countered in the first turns, there is almost no way to come back.
- Early aggression. The most standard win condition. You put many small threats on the board and rush enemy down before he manages to stabilize. You’re gonna win most of your games this way.
- Divine Favor. While not exactly the win condition, it helps you win many of the games. When you’re getting immensely out-valued, Divine Favor might get you back into the game. Even if your card quality isn’t high, they’re mostly great when it comes to the tempo, so drawing a lot of them in one turn might change the outcome of the match.
- Burst. Aggro Paladin is not a typical bursty deck, but it has some opportunities to make explosive finishes. Especially after a big Divine Favor turn, with many cards in the hand, it might get one or two bursty turns, where you deal 10+ damage from your hand, hopefully killing the enemy.
Aggro Paladin is definitely a deck to watch. Lately it has been rising in popularity a lot, so you might either try it or learn how to play against it. The deck list is still pretty fresh and experimented with, so it might see a lot of changes in the near future.
It’s a deck we’d definitely recommend for less experienced players. It’s not particularly hard to play and the Legendary minions can be switched out easily, making the deck pretty cheap. The deck is really tempo-based, so it’s good to learn the basics of what the tempo is and how to use it.
If you want to read more about advanced strategies, alternate and tech cards, matchups and mulligans – check out the rest of the guide. If you have any suggestions, questions or just want to talk about the guide – please write in the comments sections below!
This is part 1 of this extensive deck guide series. Be sure to check out the other sections:
- Part 1: Beginner Guide
- Part 2: Advanced Strategies, Alternate Cards, and Tech Choices
- Part 3: Match-ups and Mulligans
Team HSP
Team HSP is a group of professional Hearthstone players. Consist some of the top players of the game and we love sharing our knowledge through articles and guides such as this. These guides are the result of hundreds hours of playing, research and analyzing games by the team. We hope you find these guides useful!
Published: Jul 22, 2015 08:07 am