Hunter fans, rejoice—the newest card from Hearthstone’s Rise of Shadows expansion is just for you.
The card is a Hunter Spell called Marked Shot.
Marked Shot is a four-mana spell that deals four damage to a minion. The card also has an additional effect that allows you to Discover a spell. After the addition of Zul’Jin with Rastakhan’s Rumble, we began to see more dominant versions of Spell Hunter take form. It looks like Marked Shot may be continued support for the Spell Hunter archetype.
Zul’jin causes the player to cast all spells they played previously in the game again. Marked Shot could be a useful addition to a deck containing Zul’jin, but could also backfire due to Zul’jin causing targets to be chosen randomly. Hunter has been one of the strongest classes by far during the Rastakhan’s Rumble expansion—and it looks like that trend could continue. If the class continues to get support for one of its most powerful archetypes, we can probably expect to face Rexxar quite a few times on our way up the ladder.
Check out all of the cards from the Hunter class when Rise of Shadows drops on April 9.
Published: Mar 29, 2019 09:18 am