Hi! I’m Asmodeus, multiple times Legend and infinite arena player. I’m also the author of The Complete Guide for Hearthstone Player. Welcome to the third part of heroic League of Explorers guide. Here you will find videos, strategies and decklists to defeat all of the bosses in third wing of LoE adventure – The Ruined City. As usual the decks are based on specific ideas and you’re free to modify or change them as I will give you the underlying strategy behind each of them.
In the third wing you will meet the aristocracy of ugly swamp monsters: Lord Slitherspear, Giantfin and Lady Naz’jar. All of these fights are focused around snowballing the board and you can use the same decks to also defeat them in normal mode.
If you want to quickly find a solution for another wing of the adventure, the links below will lead you to the other parts of heroic LoE guide:
Part 1: Heroic Temple of Orsis
Part 4: Heroic Hall of Explorers
Lord Slitherspear
Lord Slitherspear’s weakness is not running any removal besides the insignificant frost-shock which is why we can get away with buffing minions as much as we like. For this fight I’ve chosen the stoneskin-gargoyle strategy, coupled with lots of silence, card draw and healing. You can control the board using your buffed minions and silences until you draw enough buffs to simply one shot the boss with the use of inner-fire on a high health minion.
Giantfin on the other hand is very weak to AoE, so cards like hellfire are perfect to deal with the constant barrage of new Murlocs. I used priest here and with all of the AoE available you will be able to comfortably clear the enemy side of the board while maintaining some power on your side to gradually kill Giantfin. It should be also possible to simply wait for the boss to reach fatigue due to his hero power and beat him that way.
Lady Naz’jar
Lady Naz’jar can quickly get out of hand if you don’t handle the minions on opposite side of the board, but if you manage develop your own minions while clearing her board in the early game then it’s all downhill form there. The fight is usually decided in the first few turns and whoever gets the advantage will almost always win. Shaman is a great choice due to great hero power and some class cards that offer you cheap removal and the ability to spawn multiple minions with high mana cost. Use minions with powerful effects and weak bodies, such as antique-healbot, because you’re going to get a random minion of that cost next turn anyway, so the body is not important.
Final words
That’s it for the third wing of LoE adventure. These decks and strategies should help you defeating the heroic mode of Ruined City with ease and all that’s left is the final wing which is coming up soon.
If you want to quickly find a solution for another wing of the adventure, the links below will lead you to the other parts of heroic LoE guide:
Part 1: Heroic Temple of Orsis
Part 4: Heroic Hall of Explorers
Let me know what you think. Share your opinions and post your questions in the comments, I’m always happy to answer them.
You can also find more of me through my social media:
I’m available for Hearthstone coaching – you’ll find all the info you need here: Coaching with Asmodeus
Published: Dec 6, 2015 10:15 am