Kobolds and Catacombs not only refreshed the Standard metagame but Wild too. With some crazy new additions to the card pool in Wild, we have some really wacky and viable decks to showcase today. All three of these decks were used by Hearthstone pros or streamers to hit #1 Legend this season. If you happen to be a Wild player, be sure to try these out on ladder to climb ranks very efficiently while doing well against most meta decks right now!
Stasei’s Wild Cubelock (#1 Legend)
Cubelock has been a fun deck that many have been trying out. It allows you to burst down your opponent from 25 HP through use of Carnivorous Cube and Dark Pact. You have access to powerful cards like malganis, emperor-thaurissan and voidcaller in the deck, which makes your Demon package quite powerful. You do not need to rely on the Cube OTK as your win condition and the deck can easily win on the back of a big nzoth-the-corruptor or bloodreaver-guldan turn.
To pull off of the OTK, you need to get your Doomguard out with voidcaller or possessed-lackey. You follow up with carnivorous-cube and then a second Carnivorous Cube or prince-taldaram and dark-pact your Cubes (and Taldaram, if applicable) to resummon 4 copies Doomguard that deal 20 damage along with the original doomguard that dealt 5, leading to a total of 25 damage. You can also do this on Mal’ganis and win the back of the combo, allowing you to get possibly permanent immunity.
Sipwi’s Wild Token Druid (#1 Legend)
Wild Aggro/Token Druid has always been powerful but with the addition of dire-mole and corridor-creeper, the deck got a whole lot better. You need to focus on developing your board and follow up with board buffs like mark-of-the-lotus or power-of-the-wild to make the board stick. Even if your board gets wiped out, you have plenty of ways to refill your board through cards like Living Mana and other cheap minions and token generating cards you have. Savage Roar is a great way to finish off games and you can get a lot of burst damage out with the card. Jeeves is a great card draw tool and fetches value in most matches without giving your opponent too much of an advantage as well.
Control’s Wild Aggro Paladin (#1 Legend)
Control is one of the most renowned Wild players and he used this decklist with an insane winrate to hit Rank 1 Legend. One of the problems with Aggro Paladin in Standard pre-KAC was that it lost some of its most powerful cards for the early game like shielded-minibot, haunted-creeper and muster-for-battle. Keeper of Uldaman also features in the deck because of its ability to shut down big threats and also the for the added ability to buff up one of your tokens to push for face damage or get better trades off on the board against your opponent. The deck can get you some quick wins on ladder to help you climb at the end of the season.
Deck CodesÂ
Aggro Paladin: AAEBAZ8FBNmuApG8ArnBArfpAg2nBagF1AWxCPUN6g/tD/sPyRa4xwLjywL40gL70wIA
Token Druid: AAEBAZICAoQXkbwCDvcD5gXlB/UNjhDoFcGrArazAs27AobBAuvCApvNAvvTAovlAgA=
Cube Warlock:Â AAEBAf0GCPcEzga5DcIP1hHgrAKX0wKd4gILtgfECI4OrRDnywLy0AL40AKI0gKL4QL85QLo5wIA
We will be back with more decks soon so stay tuned!
Published: Dec 21, 2017 06:11 pm