Ask anyone who plays a trading card game and they’ll agree that the best kind of pack is a free one. And thanks to the return of Hearthstone’s Choose Your Champion program, you could have a few free packs headed your way.
The Choose Your Champion event will revolve around the 2020 Hearthstone World Championship. The Hearthstone World Championship will feature the best players from across the globe and begins on Dec. 12. Through Hearthstone’s Choose Your Champion program, you can earn packs based on a chosen player’s performance during the tournament.
Even if your chosen player doesn’t perform too well at the tournament, you can still earn a participation pack just for signing up. To sign up for the program, you’ll need to visit the official site. After being prompted to log in, you’ll be taken to a “Get Started” page. Here, you’ll be prompted to choose a champion to be linked to throughout the Hearthstone World Championship.
In addition to your participation pack, you have the opportunity to earn more packs as your champion progresses. Each time your champion makes it through to the next level, you’ll gain an additional pack. So if your champion advances to the quarterfinals, for example, that’s another free pack. If your champion makes it all the way to the finals, you’d get four packs in total. Card packs will be from Hearthstone’s most recent expansion, Madness at the Darkmoon Faire.
You can watch the Hearthstone World Championship starting Dec. 12 at 10am CT on the official Hearthstone esports YouTube channel.
Published: Dec 4, 2020 03:05 pm