Hearthstone regularly does in-game events themed around real-life holidays and seasons.
The most recent is Hearthstone’s spring celebration dubbed Ignoblegarden—and it’ll last from April 17 to 21.
Like most seasonal events in Blizzard games, Ignoblegarden brings a variety of limited-time features for players to explore, including a brand-new Tavern Brawl.
Most Hearthstone players will be familiar with League of EVIL member and Warrior Hero, Dr. Boom. The new Tavern Brawl is of Dr. Boom’s design, and as a result, is bound to be explosive. Upon starting the Tavern Brawl, players will have the opportunity to choose a class.
After queuing up, a deck will be automatically generated for you based off of the class you select. But there’s a catch—Dr. Boom has injected EVIL into the game, peppering each deck with a few Devious Eggbots. The Eggbots come in different types and each has an exciting unique effect.
Bloom Bot has Deathrattle and will allow you to summon a Legendary minion and then grant that minion Rush. Room Bot is Magnetic with Taunt and also has a Deathrattle, which causes it to summon three 1/1 Boom Bots. The last of Dr. Doom’s devious Eggbots is Doom Bot. This Bot has a Battlecry and Deathrattle that both let him deal five damage to all minions.
If a new Brawl isn’t enough to get you excited, then maybe you’ll be interested in some free rewards. Players will receive two golden copies of Mechano-Egg, plus two Boomsday Project card packs, just for logging in during the event.
Be sure to hop on Hearthstone to grab your free swag before it’s too late. Ignoblegarden runs from April 17 to 21
Published: Apr 18, 2019 02:56 pm