After just one card reveal yesterday, players were anxious about how exactly the Hearthstone expansion spoiler season was going to go.
Those fears have been somewhat sated, as two more cards were revealed overnight—a weapon and a minion. Both cards were revealed through Chinese sources, but have since received translations.
The minion is Plague Scientist. Continuing the dark and Naxxramas-ish feel of the set, along with Deathrattle it seems Poisonous will be playing a role. This minion has weak stats for a three drop, and it’s initially unclear exactly how this will be of benefit. Perhaps in a deck with cards like Patches and Southsea Deckhand. But Rogue also already has Vilespine Slayer as a hard removal minion card.
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Shaman is getting a new weapon, adding to its existing quintet of offensive options. Considering Fiery War Axe exists in the game as a two mana, three attack weapon, this seems quite weak. It’s also unclear at this point how Shaman synergy with freeze will go—that’s likely something we’ll see in future card reveals, given the theme.
The two new reveals take the total number shown to eight. That’s out of 135, so there’s a long way to go. After the community complained about only being shown one new card on the first day reveal season, community manager “Aratil” took to Reddit to explain. Apparently they had planned more reveals through third-parties, but things hadn’t come together.
Published: Jul 25, 2017 04:51 am