Wordle makes players guess a new secret word every day in a limited number of tries. Those who fail to guess the correct answer in six attempts lose the game of the day and will have to wait until the next day for another chance to win.
Losing at Wordle means interrupting a potentially huge winning streak. Your entire game log is recorded on the website and can be shared on your social networks. This competitive and social factor is one of the great attractions of Wordle, and many players are looking to increase their winning streak to win competitions with friends and share the results on social media.
Even for the least competitive players, losing can be disappointing, especially if you’re close to finding the secret word. Having to wait until the next day is undoubtedly sad for these players. There are some tips and tricks that can help you avoid defeats. Many players also share their strategies or opening words on social media. Some even like to always start with the same word to increase their chances of getting a hit on the first try.
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words with ‘T’ as the fourth letter
Wordle games aren’t always easy and you might need a little help. If you’ve gotten stuck with words that have ‘TE’ in them, here are some five-letter words with ‘TE’ in them, sorted alphabetically so you have less trouble filtering your choices by the letters you’ve already eliminated.
Five-letter words with ‘TE’ to try on Wordle
- abate
- acted
- acute
- after
- agate
- alate
- alter
- anted
- antes
- apter
- arete
- artel
- aster
- axite
- azote
- baste
- bated
- bates
- betel
- biter
- bites
- blate
- blite
- boite
- botel
- brute
- buteo
- butes
- butte
- bytes
- carte
- caste
- cater
- cates
- cetes
- chute
- cited
- citer
- cites
- comte
- conte
- coted
- cotes
- crate
- cuter
- cutes
- cutey
- dated
- dater
- dates
- deter
- dites
- doted
- doter
- dotes
- eaten
- eater
- elate
- elite
- elute
- emote
- enate
- enter
- ester
- evite
- fated
- fates
- feted
- fetes
- flite
- flute
- flyte
- forte
- fytte
- gated
- gater
- gates
- geste
- gites
- glute
- grate
- haste
- hated
- hater
- hates
- haute
- hotel
- inter
- irate
- items
- jetes
- jutes
- kente
- kited
- kiter
- kites
- kytes
- lated
- laten
- later
- latte
- liter
- lites
- lotte
- lutea
- luted
- lutes
- mated
- mater
- mates
- matey
- matte
- meted
- meter
- metes
- miter
- mites
- monte
- moste
- motel
- motes
- motet
- motey
- motte
- muted
- muter
- mutes
- nates
- niter
- nites
- noted
- noter
- notes
- oaten
- oater
- octet
- often
- ofter
- opted
- orate
- otter
- outed
- outer
- ovate
- oxter
- paste
- pated
- paten
- pater
- pates
- peter
- piste
- plate
- prate
- quate
- quite
- quote
- rated
- ratel
- rater
- rates
- rente
- retem
- rites
- rotes
- rotte
- route
- sated
- satem
- sates
- saute
- scute
- sente
- shote
- shute
- sited
- sites
- sixte
- skate
- skite
- slate
- smite
- smote
- spate
- spite
- state
- stead
- steak
- steal
- steam
- steed
- steek
- steel
- steep
- steer
- stein
- stela
- stele
- stems
- steno
- stent
- steps
- stere
- stern
- stets
- stews
- stewy
- suete
- suite
- taste
- tater
- tates
- teach
- teaks
- teals
- teams
- tears
- teary
- tease
- teats
- techs
- techy
- tecta
- teddy
- teels
- teems
- teens
- teeny
- teeth
- teffs
- teggs
- tegua
- tegus
- teiid
- teind
- teins
- telae
- telar
- telco
- teles
- telex
- telia
- telic
- tells
- telly
- teloi
- telos
- tempi
- tempo
- temps
- tempt
- tench
- tends
- tendu
- tenet
- tenge
- tenia
- tenne
- tenno
- tenny
- tenon
- tenor
- tense
- tenth
- tents
- tenty
- tepal
- tepas
- tepee
- tepid
- tepoy
- terai
- terce
- teres
- terga
- terms
- terne
- terns
- terra
- terry
- terse
- tesla
- testa
- tests
- testy
- teths
- tetra
- tetri
- teuch
- teugh
- tewed
- texas
- texts
- titer
- torte
- toted
- totem
- toter
- totes
- trite
- tutee
- unite
- urate
- uteri
- utter
- volte
- voted
- voter
- votes
- waste
- water
- white
- wited
- wites
- write
- wrote
- wyted
- wytes
- yente
- zlote
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right. Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
Published: Jun 23, 2022 08:12 pm