Redditgifts, the popular Secret Santa-like service run by people in the Reddit community, introduced new exchange options today as part of this month’s stay at home series—and esports is one of the options.
Users can sign up for the exchange online to be matched with a random fan from across their country to send a gift to. This will bring together a host of people to share their love for esports and it’s open to anyone who wants to participate.
If you aren’t into esports, though, don’t worry. There are a host of other exchange options to choose from, including Lego products, puzzles, and even board games.
If you sign up and are struggling with ideas on what to buy, just remember that companies like Riot Games have a merch store full of different things to purchase. You could always get Riot Points or game points for their favorite esports, too. On the other hand, you can just gift a bunch of esports swag, jerseys, and other merchandise as long as it fits the theme.
You have until May 11 to join the exchange shenanigans. There isn’t a way to send gifts abroad this time, however. Redditgifts is limiting its service to just the country you live in due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Published: Apr 27, 2020 12:49 pm