Valheim offers a fun and exciting experience where players can fight bosses, build extensive bases, or explore the massive map. It’s easy to sink hours into the game, especially when grinding for better gear or working on a large project. But there’s another option for players who have less time or just want to get straight into the action.
Players can enable cheats, dev commands, and console commands in Valheim to spawn every item in the game and change settings in single player and multiplayer servers. While this significantly changes gameplay, it’s a fun and accessible option to use as needed.
To enable dev commands, you need to adjust your Valheim launch options in Steam. Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, select Properties, and find Launch Options under the General tab. In this field, type “-console” (without quotes) to unlock commands in Valheim. Once you load into your world, press F5 to open the console and type “devcommands” (without quotes) to enable cheats. You can disable cheats by typing “devcommands” again.
You can also spawn every item in Valheim with spawn commands, including some cut and removed items. To spawn an item, you need to type “spawn” followed by the item and an amount. For example, you would type “spawn Bronze 100” to spawn 100 Bronze ore. Thankfully for players, the Valheim community has curated a list of all available spawn commands, which is also included below.
Players who want to access Valheim’s version of a creative mode can use the debugmode. This command allows players to build without resources, fly, and kill nearby enemies as needed. Once the mode is activated, press B to toggle building without needing a workbench or resources. You can press Z to fly and toggle your altitude with the spacebar and return to the ground with ctrl. K kills all nearby enemies and creatures.
Enabling cheats can significantly impact your gameplay experience and is not recommended in most cases. If you have a world specifically meant for messing around, use these commands at your own risk. Additionally, the cheat commands only work in a single-player mode, so you should not encounter cheaters on a multiplayer server. Finally, some items that are not currently in the normal game can be spawned with a command, so be careful when experimenting with these items.
Here is a complete list of all cheats, console commands, and spawn commands in Valheim, courtesy of the game’s wiki. All commands are case-sensitive.
- beard [beard#] – Changes your character’s beard. Entering a number after the command determines which beard is selected. Leaving the number blank removes the beard.
- epsdebug – Toggles dps debug on and off.
- env [varibale] – Determines the debug environment. Here are the available options:
- Clear, Twilight_Clear, Misty, Darklands_dark, Heath clear, DeepForest Mist, GDKing, Rain, LightRain, ThunderStorm, Eikthyr, GoblinKing, nofogts, SwampRain, Bonemass, Snow, Twilight_Snow, Twilight_SnowStorm, SnowStorm, Moder, Ashrain, Crypt, SunkenCrypt
- exploremap – Reveals the entirety of the map.
- event [name] – Activates a named event. Here are the available options: army_eikthyr, army_theelder, army_bonemass, army_moder, army_moder, army_goblin, foresttrolls, blobs, skeletons, surtlings, wolves.
- ffsmooth 1 – Adds smooth movements to the free camera.
- ffsmooth 0 – Removes smooth movement from the free camera.
- freefly – Activates the free camera.
- genloc – Regenerate all locations.
- ghost – Toggles Ghost mode. Ghost mode makes enemies ignore the player.
- god – Enables God mode.
- goto [x] [y] [z] – A teleport command that warps players to a desired location based on the coordinates entered.
- hair [hair#] – Permanently changes your character’s hair. To remove your hair, enter this command without an argument.
- heal – Fully heals the player.
- killall – Kills all nearby enemies and creatures, including tamed ones.
- listkeys – Lists all global keys.
- location – Sets spawn location.
- model [0-1] – Switches character model from masculine to feminine.
- optterrain – Converts all the old terrain modifications (before Update 0.150.3) in the nearby area to the new system.
- players [number] – Changes the game’s difficulty scaling based on the number of players.
- pos – Shows player coordinates.
- puke – Resets fullness/hunger.
- raiseskill [skill] [amount] – Boosts a specific skill. The value determines the size of the increase.
- randomevent – Starts a random event.
- removedrops – Removes all items dropped in the area.
- resetcharacter – Resets all of your character data.
- resetenv – Resets the debug environment.
- resetkeys [name] – Resets the specified key.
- resetmap – Hides the map.
- resetskill [skill] – Sets specified skill level to zero.
- resetwind – Resets wind angle and intensity.
- save – Forces the game to save the current world state.
- setkey [name] – Sets new global key.
- skiptime [seconds] – Skips forward and changes day number and time of day.
- sleep – Skips forward one day.
- stopevent – Stops the current event.
- tame – Tames all nearby creatures.
- tod [0-1] – Sets time of day. Zero and one are both midnight. 0.5 is noon. -1 revert to default.
- wind [angle] [intensity] – Adjusts the direction and intensity of the wind.
- angle = degree vector from zero to 360 (zero is wind from south, 270 is wind from east).
- intensity = value from zero to one.
Console commands
- help – Shows all available server commands
- info – Prints the current system information.
- ping – Pings the server to measure latency.
- ban [name/ip/userID] – Bans the named user.
- banned – Shows a full list of banned users.
- kick [name/ip/userID] – Kicks the specified user.
- lodbias [number] – Sets the draw distance for the server. The number can be set from 1 to 5.
- save – Forces the game to save.
- unban [name/ip/userID] – Unbans the named user.
Spawn item commands
- Amber
- AmberPearl
- AncientSeed
- Barley
- BarleyFlour
- BarleyWine
- BarleyWineBase
- BeechSeeds
- BlackMetal
- BlackMetalScrap
- Bloodbag
- Bronze
- BronzeNails
- BoneFragments
- CarrotSeeds
- Chitin
- Coal
- Coins
- Copper
- CopperOre
- CryptKey
- Crystal
- Dandelion
- DeerHide
- DragonEgg
- DragonTear
- ElderBark
- Entrails
- Feathers
- FineWood
- FirCone
- FishingBait
- FishRaw
- Flametal
- FlametalOre
- Flax
- Flint
- FreezeGland
- GreydwarfEye
- Guck
- HardAntler
- Iron
- IronNails
- IronOre
- IronScrap
- LeatherScraps
- LinenThread
- LoxMeat
- LoxPelt
- Needle
- Obsidian
- Ooze
- PineCone
- QueenBee
- Ruby
- SerpentScale
- SharpeningStone
- Silver
- SilverNecklace
- SilverOre
- Stone
- SurtlingCore
- Thistle
- Tin
- TinOre
- TrollHide
- TurnipSeeds
- WitheredBone
- WolfFang
- WolfPelt
- Wood
- YmirRemains
- NeckTail
- RawMeat
- Resin
- RoundLog
- SerpentMeat
- YagluthDrop
- ArmorBronzeChest
- ArmorBronzeLegs
- ArmorIronChest
- ArmorIronLegs
- ArmorLeatherChest
- ArmorLeatherLegs
- ArmorPaddedCuirass
- ArmorPaddedGreaves
- ArmorRagsChest
- ArmorRagsLegs
- ArmorTrollLeatherChest
- ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
- ArmorWolfChest
- ArmorWolfLegs
- CapeDeerHide
- CapeLinen
- CapeLox
- CapeOdin
- CapeTest
- CapeTrollHide
- CapeWolf
- HelmetBronze
- HelmetDrake
- HelmetDverger
- HelmetIron
- HelmetLeather
- HelmetOdin
- HelmetPadded
- HelmetTrollLeather
- HelmetYule
- ArrowBronze
- ArrowFire
- ArrowFlint
- ArrowFrost
- ArrowIron
- ArrowNeedle
- ArrowObsidian
- ArrowPoison
- ArrowSilver
- ArrowWood
- AtgeirBlackmetal
- AtgeirBronze
- AtgeirIron
- Battleaxe
- Bow
- BowDraugrFang
- BowFineWood
- BowHuntsman
- KnifeBlackMetal
- KnifeChitin
- KnifeCopper
- KnifeFlint
- MaceBronze
- MaceIron
- MaceNeedle
- MaceSilver
- ShieldBanded
- ShieldBlackmetal
- ShieldBlackmetalTower
- ShieldBronzeBuckler
- ShieldIronSquare
- ShieldIronTower
- ShieldKnight
- ShieldSerpentscale
- ShieldSilver
- ShieldWood
- ShieldWoodTower
- SledgeIron
- SledgeStagbreaker
- SpearBronze
- SpearElderbark
- SpearFlint
- SpearWolfFang
- SwordBlackmetal
- SwordBronze
- SwordCheat
- SwordIron
- SwordIronFire
- SwordSilver
- Tankard
- TankardOdin
- Club
- Torch
- AxeBronze
- AxeFlint
- AxeIron
- AxeStone
- AxeBlackMetal
- PickaxeAntler
- PickaxeBronze
- PickaxeIron
- PickaxeStone
- Cultivator
- FishingRod
- Hammer
- Hoe
- SpearChitin (Harpoon)
Magic items
- BeltStrength
- Wishbone
- HelmetDverger
- Blob
- BlobElite
- Boar
- Boar_piggy
- Crow
- Deathsquito
- Deer
- Draugr
- Draugr_Elite
- Draugr_Ranged
- Fenring
- Ghost
- Goblin
- GoblinArcher
- GoblinBrute
- GoblinClub
- GoblinHelmet
- GoblinLegband
- GoblinLoin
- GoblinShaman
- GoblinShoulders
- GoblinSpear
- GoblinSword
- GoblinTorch
- GoblinTotem
- Greydwarf
- Greydwarf_Elite
- Greydwarf_Root
- Greydwarf_Shaman
- Greyling
- Leech
- Lox
- Neck
- Seagal
- Serpent
- Skeleton
- Skeleton_Poison
- StoneGolem
- Surtling
- Troll
- Valkyrie
- Wolf
- Wolf_cub
- Wraith
- Eikthyr
- gd_king
- Bonemass
- Dragon
- GoblinKing
- Bread
- BloodPudding
- Blueberries
- Carrot
- CarrotSoup
- Cloudberry
- CookedLoxMeat
- CookedMeat
- FishCooked
- FishWraps
- Honey
- LoxPie
- Mushroom
- MushroomBlue
- MushroomYellow
- NeckTailGrilled
- Raspberry
- QueensJam
- Sausages
- SerpentMeatCooked
- SerpentStew
- Turnip
- TurnipStew
- MeadBaseFrostResist
- MeadBaseHealthMedium
- MeadBaseHealthMinor
- MeadBasePoisonResist
- MeadBaseStaminaMedium
- MeadBaseStaminaMinor
- MeadBaseTasty
- MeadFrostResist
- MeadHealthMedium
- MeadHealthMinor
- MeadPoisonResist
- MeadStaminaMedium
- MeadStaminaMinor
- MeadTasty
Vehicles and carts
- Cart
- Raft
- Karve
- VikingShip
- Trailership
- Haldor
- TrophyBlob
- TrophyBoar
- TrophyBonemass
- TrophyDeathsquito
- TrophyDeer
- TrophyDragonQueen
- TrophyDraugr
- TrophyDraugrElite
- TrophyDraugrFem
- TrophyEikthyr
- TrophyFenring
- TrophyForestTroll
- TrophyFrostTroll
- TrophyGoblin
- TrophyGoblinBrute
- TrophyGoblinKing
- TrophyGoblinShaman
- TrophyGreydwarf
- TrophyGreydwarfBrute
- TrophyGreydwarfShaman
- TrophyHatchling
- TrophyLeech
- TrophyLox
- TrophyNeck
- TrophySerpent
- TrophySGolem
- TrophySkeleton
- TrophySkeletonPoison
- TrophySurtling
- TrophyTheElder
- TrophyWolf
- TrophyWraith
- BonePileSpawner
- Spawner_Blob
- Spawner_BlobElite
- Spawner_Boar
- Spawner_Draugr
- Spawner_Draugr_Elite
- Spawner_Draugr_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30
- Spawner_DraugrPile
- Spawner_Fenring
- Spawner_Fish4
- Spawner_Ghost
- Spawner_Goblin
- Spawner_GoblinArcher
- Spawner_GoblinBrute
- Spawner_GoblinShaman
- Spawner_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman
- Spawner_GreydwarfNest
- Spawner_Hatchling
- Spawner_imp
- Spawner_imp_respawn
- Spawner_Leech_cave
- Spawner_Location_Elite
- Spawner_Location_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Location_Shaman
- Spawner_Skeleton
- Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher
- Spawner_Skeleton_poison
- Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30
- Spawner_StoneGolem
- Spawner_Troll
- Spawner_Wraith
- GlowingMushroom
- ancientbarkspear_projectile
- aoe_nova
- barrell
- bed
- bee_aoe
- beech_log
- beech_log_half
- Beech_Sapling
- Beech_small1
- Beech_small2
- Beech_Stub
- Beech1
- Beehive
- Birch_log
- Birch_log_half
- Birch1
- Birch1_aut
- Birch2
- Birch2_aut
- BirchStub
- blastfurnace
- blob_aoe
- BlueberryBush
- boar_ragdoll
- BombOoze
- bonemass_aoe
- bonemass_throw_projectile
- bonfire
- BossStone_Bonemass
- BossStone_DragonQueen
- BossStone_Eikthyr
- BossStone_TheElder
- BossStone_Yagluth
- bow_projectile
- bow_projectile_fire
- bow_projectile_frost
- bow_projectile_needle
- bow_projectile_poison
- bronzespear_projectile
- bucket
- Bush01
- Bush01_heath
- Bush02_en
- CargoCrate
- CastleKit_braided_box01
- CastleKit_groundtorch
- CastleKit_groundtorch_green
- CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit
- CastleKit_pot03
- Chain
- charcoal_kiln
- Chest
- CloudberryBush
- cultivate
- dead_deer
- Deathsquito_sting
- deer_ragdoll
- DeerGodExplosion
- DG_Cave
- DG_ForestCrypt
- DG_GoblinCamp
- DG_MeadowsFarm
- DG_MeadowsVillage
- DG_SunkenCrypt
- digg
- digg_v2
- dragon_ice_projectile
- draugr_arrow
- draugr_bow_projectile
- Draugr_elite_ragdoll
- Draugr_ranged_ragdoll
- Draugr_ragdoll
- draugr_axe
- draugr_bow
- draugr_sword
- eikthyr_ragdoll
- dragoneggcup
- dungeon_forestcrypt_door
- dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate
- eventzone_bonemass
- eventzone_eikthyr
- eventzone_gdking
- eventzone_goblinking
- eventzone_moder
- EvilHeart_Forest
- EvilHeart_Swamp
- Fenring_ragdoll
- fermenter
- fire_pit
- FireFlies
- FirTree
- FirTree_log
- FirTree_log_half
- FirTree_oldLog
- FirTree_Sapling
- FirTree_small
- FirTree_small_dead
- FirTree_Stub
- Fish1
- Fish2
- Fish3
- Fish4_cave
- FishingRodFloat
- FishingRodFloatProjectile
- Flies
- flintspear_projectile
- ForestTroll_ragdoll
- forge
- forge_ext1
- forge_ext2
- forge_ext3
- forge_ext4
- forge_ext5
- forge_ext6
- gdking_Ragdoll
- gdking_root_projectile
- goblin_banner
- goblin_bed
- Goblin_Dragdoll
- goblin_fence
- goblin_pole
- goblin_pole_small
- goblin_roof_45d
- goblin_roof_45d_corner
- goblin_roof_cap
- goblin_stairs
- goblin_stepladder
- goblin_totempole
- goblin_woodwall_1m
- goblin_woodwall_2m
- goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs
- GoblinArmband
- GoblinBrute_ArmGuard
- GoblinBrute_Attack
- GoblinBrute_Backbones
- GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap
- GoblinBrute_HipCloth
- GoblinBrute_LegBones
- GoblinBrute_ragdoll
- GoblinBrute_RageAttack
- GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard
- GoblinBrute_Taunt
- GoblinKing_ragdoll
- goblinking_totemholder
- GoblinShaman_attack_poke
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers
- GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball
- GoblinShaman_protect_aoe
- GoblinShaman_ragdoll
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers
- GoblinSpear_projectile
- Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_throw_projectile
- Greyling_ragdoll
- guard_stone
- guard_stone_test
- GuckSack
- GuckSack_small
- Hatchling
- hatchling_cold_projectile
- Hatchling_ragdoll
- HealthUpgrade_Bonemass
- HealthUpgrade_GDKing
- hearth
- HeathRockPillar
- HeathRockPillar_frac
- highstone
- highstone_frac
- horizontal_web
- HugeRoot1
- ice_rock1
- ice_rock1_frac
- ice1
- IceBlocker
- Imp_fireball_projectile
- iron_grate
- itemstand
- itemstandh
- Leech_cave
- Leviathan
- LocationProxy
- loot_chest_stone
- loot_chest_wood
- LootSpawner_pineforest
- lox_ragdoll
- lox_stomp_aoe_OLD
- marker01
- marker02
- MineRock_Copper
- MineRock_Iron
- MineRock_Meteorite
- MineRock_Obsidian
- MineRock_Stone
- MineRock_Tin
- MountainGraveStone01
- mud_road
- mudpile
- mudpile_beacon
- mudpile_frac
- mudpile_old
- mudpile2
- mudpile2_frac
- Neck_Ragdoll
- Oak_log
- Oak_log_half
- Oak1
- OakStub
- odin
- OLD_wood_roof
- OLD_wood_roof_icorner
- OLD_wood_roof_ocorner
- OLD_wood_roof_top
- OLD_wood_wall_roof
- oozebomb_explosion
- oozebomb_projectile
- path
- paved_road
- Pickable_Barley
- Pickable_Barley_Wild
- Pickable_BogIronOre
- Pickable_Branch
- Pickable_Carrot
- Pickable_Dandelion
- Pickable_DolmenTreasure
- Pickable_DragonEgg
- Pickable_Flax
- Pickable_Flax_Wild
- Pickable_Flint
- Pickable_ForestCryptRandom
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04
- Pickable_Item
- Pickable_Meteorite
- Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried
- Pickable_Mushroom
- Pickable_Mushroom_blue
- Pickable_Mushroom_yellow
- Pickable_Obsidian
- Pickable_RandomFood
- Pickable_SeedCarrot
- Pickable_SeedTurnip
- Pickable_Stone
- Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom
- Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand
- Pickable_Thistle
- Pickable_Tin
- Pickable_Turnip
- piece_artisanstation
- piece_banner01
- piece_banner02
- piece_banner03
- piece_banner04
- piece_banner05
- piece_bed02
- piece_beehive
- piece_bench01
- piece_brazierceiling01
- piece_cauldron
- piece_chair
- piece_chair02
- piece_chest
- piece_chest_private
- piece_chest_wood
- piece_cookingstation
- piece_gift1
- piece_gift2
- piece_gift3
- piece_groundtorch
- piece_groundtorch_green
- piece_groundtorch_wood
- piece_jackoturnip
- piece_maypole
- piece_sharpstakes
- piece_spinningwheel
- piece_stonecutter
- piece_table
- piece_throne01
- piece_walltorch
- piece_workbench
- piece_workbench_ext1
- piece_workbench_ext2
- piece_workbench_ext3
- piece_workbench_ext4
- piece_xmastree
- PineTree
- Pinetree_01
- Pinetree_01_Stub
- PineTree_log
- PineTree_log_half
- PineTree_log_halfOLD
- PineTree_logOLD
- PineTree_Sapling
- Player
- Player_ragdoll
- Player_ragdoll_old
- Player_tombstone
- PlayerUnarmed
- portal
- portal_wood
- projectile_beam
- projectile_chitinharpoon
- projectile_meteor
- projectile_wolffang
- raise
- RaspberryBush
- replant
- Rock_3
- Rock_3_frac
- Rock_4
- Rock_4_plains
- Rock_7
- Rock_destructible
- Rock_destructible_test
- rock1_mountain
- rock1_mountain_frac
- rock2_heath
- rock2_heath_frac
- rock2_mountain
- rock2_mountain_frac
- rock3_mountain
- rock3_mountain_frac
- rock3_silver
- rock3_silver_frac
- rock4_coast
- rock4_coast_frac
- rock4_copper
- rock4_copper_frac
- rock4_forest
- rock4_forest_frac
- rock4_heath
- rock4_heath_frac
- RockFinger
- RockFinger_frac
- RockFingerBroken
- RockFingerBroken_frac
- rockformation1
- RockThumb
- RockThumb_frac
- root07
- root08
- root11
- root12
- rug_deer
- rug_fur
- rug_wolf
- sapling_barley
- sapling_carrot
- sapling_flax
- sapling_seedcarrot
- sapling_seedturnip
- sapling_turnip
- shaman_attack_aoe
- shaman_heal_aoe
- ship_construction
- shipwreck_karve_bottomboards
- shipwreck_karve_bow
- shipwreck_karve_chest
- shipwreck_karve_dragonhead
- shipwreck_karve_stern
- shipwreck_karve_sternpost
- shrub_2
- shrub_2_heath
- sign
- sign_notext
- silvervein
- silvervein_frac
- skeleton_bow
- skeleton_mace
- Skeleton_NoArcher
- skeleton_sword
- Skull1
- Skull2
- sledge_aoe
- smelter
- stake_wall
- StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf
- StaminaUpgrade_Troll
- StaminaUpgrade_Wraith
- StatueCorgi
- StatueDeer
- StatueEvil
- StatueHare
- StatueSeed
- stone_arch
- stone_floor
- stone_floor_2x2
- stone_pile
- stone_pillar
- stone_stair
- stone_wall_1x1
- stone_wall_2x1
- stone_wall_4x2
- stoneblock_fracture
- stonechest
- stonegolem_attack1_spike
- StoneGolem_clubs
- StoneGolem_hat
- Stonegolem_ragdoll
- StoneGolem_spikes
- stubbe
- stubbe_spawner
- sunken_crypt_gate
- SwampTree1
- SwampTree1_log
- SwampTree1_Stub
- SwampTree2
- SwampTree2_darkland
- SwampTree2_log
- TentaRoot
- tentaroot_attack
- tolroko_flyer
- TrainingDummy
- TreasureChest_blackforest
- TreasureChest_fCrypt
- TreasureChest_forestcrypt
- TreasureChest_heath
- TreasureChest_meadows
- TreasureChest_meadows_buried
- TreasureChest_mountains
- TreasureChest_plains_stone
- TreasureChest_sunkencrypt
- TreasureChest_swamp
- TreasureChest_trollcave
- troll_groundslam_aoe
- troll_log_swing_h
- troll_log_swing_v
- Troll_ragdoll
- troll_throw_projectile
- tunnel_web
- turf_roof
- turf_roof_top
- turf_roof_wall
- VegvisirShard_Bonemass
- vertical_web
- vines
- widestone
- widestone_frac
- windmill
- Wolf_Ragdoll
- wood_beam
- wood_beam_1
- wood_beam_26
- wood_beam_45
- wood_door
- wood_dragon1
- wood_fence
- wood_floor
- wood_floor_1x1
- wood_gate
- wood_ledge
- wood_pole
- wood_pole_log
- wood_pole_log_4
- wood_pole2
- wood_roof
- wood_roof_45
- wood_roof_icorner
- wood_roof_icorner_45
- wood_roof_ocorner
- wood_roof_ocorner_45
- wood_roof_top
- wood_roof_top_45
- wood_stack
- wood_stair
- wood_stepladder
- wood_wall_half
- wood_wall_log
- wood_wall_log_4x0.5
- wood_wall_roof
- wood_wall_roof_45
- wood_wall_roof_top
- wood_wall_roof_top_45
- woodiron_beam
- woodiron_pole
- woodwall
- wraith_melee
Published: Aug 27, 2021 04:57 pm