Next week’s 3.5 update for Fortnite: Battle Royale should fix quite a few annoying bugs within the current game, according to Fortnite’s community Trello board.
Fortnite is a fast-paced game, through and through. You need to move, loot, shoot, and build with speed or else find yourself waiting in the lobby for a new round to begin. A number of the issues to be fixed in 3.5 make playing the game quickly something of a hindrance.
Going down the line, there are two main issues that seem to be popping up a lot recently. The first is when your weapon appears to float in midair, sometimes stopping you from being able to shoot. This is caused by quickly cycling through weapons or switching to build mode, but it’s being fixed in the upcoming patch.
Another problem being fixed in 3.5 is temporarily being unable to build. Epic Games said at first that it was unable to reproduce the issue internally, but the issue has since been tagged under “fixed in next release,” so it should be going away.
Also due to be fixed is an issue that remained even after supposedly being fixed in the last update, that small objects render later than they should. This is seen commonly in-game as bushes or shrubs popping up out of the ground and undoubtedly making you think that an opponent was nearby.
The console version of Fortnite gets a lot of love in 3.5 with fixes for general hitches during gameplay, random controller vibrations, freezing problems on PS4 Pro, and an unexpectedly large update for the PS4 version.
There’s no confirmed release date for 3.5 just yet, but Epic usually updates the game in the early hours on Thursdays, meaning that it could come out on April 12.
Published: Apr 6, 2018 02:30 pm