Skill moves are one of the elements that separate decent players from great ones in FIFA 22. When the rosters of two teams are evenly matched, the score will often depend on a player’s ability to outmaneuver their opponents.
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Skill moves are the best way to outplay your opponents since you can catch them off guard and make an offensive play before they even realize what’s going on. While some skill moves have become a staple of the franchise, new ones also get added with each new title.
If your player has the required skill rating for a move, all that is left will be memorizing some of the best skill moves in FIFA 22 and using them to your advantage on the field.
Though having a large repertoire of moves helps in the long run, you can also get away with just learning the best ones out there. Open Up Fake Shot, Reverse Stepover, Ball Roll Cut Left, Drag Back, Heel Flick, and Four Touch Turn are some of the most effective skill moves in the game. Your personal preference will play an important role as well, and the moves that you’ll feel most comfortable with will often yield the best results on the pitch.
Here are the best skill moves by their star rating, as well as their controls on Xbox and PlayStation.
One-star skill moves in FIFA 22
Skill Move
Press R1 twice
Press RB twice
Directional Nutmeg
Hold L1 + R1 and Flick Right Stick
Hold LB + RB and Flick Right Stick
Flick Up
Hold L1 + Press R3
Hold LT + Press Right Stick
Open Up Fake Shot
Hold L1 + press on your shoot hotkey, then tap pass and move your Left Stick up then left or right
Hold LB + press shoot, then tap pass and move Left Stick up then left or right
Standing Ball Juggle
Hold L2 and Press R1
Hold LT and Press RB
Two-star skill moves in FIFA 22
Skill Move
Ball Roll
Hold the Right Stick to the left or right
Hold the Right Stick to the left or right
Body Feint
Flick the Right Stick to the left or right
Flick the Right Stick to the left or right
Drag Back
Hold L1 + R1 and Flick the Left Stick down
Hold LB + RB and Flick the Left Stick down
Feint Forward and Turn
Flick the Right Stick down twice
Flick the Right Stick down twice
Reverse Stepover
Move the Right Stick forward from the left or right
Move the Right Stick forward from the left or right
Roll the Right Stick to the left or right from forward
Roll the Right Stick to the left or right from forward
Three-star skill moves in FIFA 22
Skill Move
Fake Left and Go Right
Roll the Right Stick from left to right across the bottom
Roll the Right Stick from left to right across the bottom
Fake Right and Go Left
Roll the Right Stick from right to left across the bottom
Roll the Rİght Stick from right to left across the bottom
Heel Chop
Hold L2 and the shoot button, then tap pass and move the Left Stick from right to left
Hold LT and the shoot button, then tap pass and move the Left stick from right to left
Heel Flick
Flick the Right Stick up and down
Flick the Right Stick up and down
Roulette Left
Roll the Right Stick from bottom to left in a clockwise rotation
Roll the Right Stick from bottom to left in a clockwise rotation
Roulette Right
Roll Right Stick from bottom to right in a clockwise rotation
Roll Right Stick from bottom to right in a clockwise rotation
Four-star skill moves in FIFA 22
Skill Move
Ball Hop
Hold L1 and tap R3 while standing
Hold LB and tap RS while standing
Ball Roll Cut Left
Hold the Right Stick right and hold Left Stick left
Hold the Right Stick right and hold Left Stick left
Ball Roll Cut Right
Hold the Right Stick left and hold the Left Stick right
Hold the Right Stick left and hold the Left Stick right
Drag Back Spin
Move the Right Stick down, then move it to the left or right
Move the Right Stick down, then move it to the left or right
Drag to Heel
Hold L1 and move Right Stick down, then move it left or right
Hold LB and move Right Stick down, then move it left or right
Fake Pass
Hold R2 and click on the shoot button, then pass while standing
Hold RT and click on the shoot button, then pass while standing
Fake Pass Exit
Hold R2 and click the shoot button, then pass and hold the Left Stick left or right while standing
Hold RT and click the shoot button, then pass and hold the Left Stick left or right while standing
Four Touch Turn
Hold L2 and Flick the Right Stick back twice
Hold LT and Flick the Right Stick back twice
Heel to Heel Flick
Move the Right Stick down, then up
Move the Right Stick down, then up
Lane Change
Hold L1 and move the Right Stick right or left
Hold LB and move the Right Stick right or left
Quick Ball Rolls
Tap and hold R3
Tap and hold the Right Stick
Scoop Turn Fake
Click on the shoot button then pass, and hold the Left Stick up diagonally, then flick it to the other side
Click on the shoot button then pass, and hold the Left Stick up diagonally, then flick it to the other side
Simple Rainbow
Move the Right Stick down, then up twice
Move the Right Stick down, then up twice
Skilled Bridge
Hold L2 and click on R1 twice
Hold LT and click on RB twice
Spin Left
Hold R1 and move the Right Stick from bottom to left
Hold RB and move the Right Stick from bottom to left
Spin Right
Hold R1 and move the Right Stick from bottom to right
Hold RB and move the Right Stick from bottom to right
Stop and Turn
Move the Right Stick up, then to the left or right while running
Move the Right Stick up, then to the left or right while running
Three Touch Roulette
Hold L2 and move the Right Stick down, then to the right or left
Hold LT and move the Right Stick down, then to the right or left
Five-star skill moves in FIFA 22
Skill Move
Advanced Rainbow
Move the Right Stick down, then hold it up then flick it up
Move the Right Stick down, then hold it up then flick it up
Ball Roll and Flick
Hold the Right Stick right or left, then flick it up while running
Hold the Right Stick right or left, then flick it up while running
Ball Roll Fake
Hold the Right Stick left or right, then flick it in the opposite direction while standing
Hold the Right Stick left or right, then flick it in the opposite direction while standing
Ball Roll Fake Turn
Hold L2 and move the Right Stick up, then to the left or right
Hold LT and move the Right Stick up, then to the left or right
Roll the Right Stick from the right to the left while keeping it on the bottom side
Roll the Right Stick from the right to the left while keeping it on the bottom side
Elastico Chop Right
Hold R1 and move the Right Stick across the bottom from the left to the right
Hold RB and move the Right Stick across the bottom from the left to the right
First Time Turn
Hold L1 + R1 during the first touch
Hold LB + RB during the first touch
Flick Over
Hold L1 and the Right Stick up
Hold LB and the Right Stick up
Heel Flick Turn
Hold R1 and move the Right Stick up, then down
Hold RB and move the Right Stick up, then down
Hocus Pocus
Roll the Right Stick from bottom to the left, then right
Roll the Right Stick from bottom to the left, then right
Rabona Fake
Hold L2 and shoot, then hit pass and move the Left Stick down while running
Hold LT and shoot then hit pass and move the Left Stick down while running
Reverse Elastico
Roll the Right Stick across the bottom from left to right
Roll the Right Stick across the bottom from left to right
Sombrero Flick
Move the Right Stick up, up, then down while standing
Move the Right Stick up, up, then down while standing
Spin Flick
Hold R1 and roll the Right Stick up, then left or right
Hold RB and roll the Right Stick up, then left or right
Tornado Spin
Hold L1 and move the Right Stick up, then left or right
Hold LB and move the Right Stick up, then left or right
Triple Elastico
Roll the Right Stick across the bottom to the right, then left
Roll the Right Stick across the bottom to the right, then left
Turn and Spin
Move the Right Stick up, then to the right or left
Move the Right Stick up, then to the right or left
Five-star juggling tricks in FIFA 22
Skill Move
Around the World
Rotate the Right Stick 360 degrees
Rotate the Right Stick 360 degrees
Chest Flick
Hold L2 and tap R3 twice
Hold LT and tap the Right Stick twice
Flick Up for Volley
Hold the Left Stick up
Hold the Left Stick up
In Air Elastico
Flick the Right Stick to the right, then left
Flick the Right Stick to the right, then left
Laces Flick Up
Press L2 and R3, then press R2 and Flick the Left Stick up
Press LT and RB, then press R2 and Flick the Left Stick up
Reverse In Air Elastico
Move the Right Stick left, then right
Move the Right Stick left, then right
Sombrero Flick Backwards
Hold the Left Stick down, right, or left
Hold the Left Stick down, right, or left
T. Around the World
Rotate the Right Stick 360 degrees, then flick it up
Rotate the Right Stick 360 degrees, then flick it up
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Gökhan is a Staff Writer and Fortnite Lead at Dot Esports. Gökhan graduated as an industrial engineer in 2020 and has since been with Dot Esports. As a natural-born gamer, he honed his skills to a professional level in Dota 2. Upon giving up on the Aegis of Champions in 2019, Gökhan started his writing career, covering all things gaming, while his heart remains a lifetime defender of the Ancients.
Published: Dec 12, 2021 01:37 pm