The Legion, a versatile Killer in Dead by Daylight, is known for its unique ability to switch between multiple personalities. This guide provides detailed builds for beginners, mid-level, and advanced players, each with a table and insights.
Table of contents
Best Legion builds in Dead by Daylight
Legion comes with three powerful perks that are also well worth unlocking for other Killers in DBD. Discordance highlights any generator being repaired by more than one survivor, and gives you a loud noise notification so you won’t miss it. Mad Grit brought about the “backpack meme build” used by many streamers because while you carry a Survivor to a hook, you have no cooldown if you miss a basic attack and a successful hit pauses the Survivor’s wiggle progress for four seconds. It is a great perk to use against those pesky Survivor teams who swarm the hook as you try to hook their teammate. Finally, Iron Maiden allows you to open lockers faster and any Survivor exiting a locker will scream and become exposed, giving you a free down of you catch them within 30 seconds.
The no heals Legion build

With this build, Survivors will find it hard to mend or heal safely. It makes the most of Legion’s power that puts the Survivors into the Deep Wound state, forcing them to mend before they can heal. Sloppy Butcher and Coulrophobia slow healing and make it almost impossible to mend or heal when within the Legion’s terror radius. With Nurse’s Calling, you will see the auras of Survivors as they try to heal each other, while Hex The Third Seal prevents Survivors from seeing any auras, including yours and hooked Survivors.
- Sloppy Butcher: A general perk available to all Killers.
- Sloppy Butcher applies both Mangled and Hemorrhage to Survivors. This means more blood pools appear, healing is slowed, and if interrupted, can regress to zero.
- Coulrophobia: A unique The Clown perk.
- Any Survivors in your terror radius take a 50 percent penalty to their healing progress, plus healing skill checks are 50 percent faster.
- A Nurse’s Calling: A unique The Nurse perk.
- You will see the auras of Survivors within a 28 meter range.
- Hex The Third Seal: A unique The Hag perk.
- Applies blindness to the last four Survivors hit by any attack until the hex totem is cleansed. Those Survivors will not be able to see auras around the map.
Suitable add-ons:
- Frank’s Mixtape: A very rare add-on.
- This add-on ensures you break walls and damage generators faster. It also pauses the power gauge while you break them.
- Filthy Blade: A very rare add-on.
- This add-on increases the time Survivors have to mend by four seconds.
The peek-a-boo Legion build

This build lets you see as much of the Survivor’s activities as possible and as Legion, gives you a chance to Frenzy sprint towards them and keep the pressure on. As they run around the map, the crows alert you to their position with Spies From The Shadows. If, at any point, they join a teammate on a generator, Discordance will highlight that generator’s position, allowing you to interrupt their progress. When the survivors manage to get to 75 percent progress on their generator, you will become undetectable and hopefully get there before they finish. If they do finish the generator’s repairs, Bitter Murmur shows their auras so you can track them down easily. Add a couple of aura-reading add-ons and your build will show the Survivors have nowhere to hide.
- Discordance: a unique The Legion perk.
- This perk marks generators within 64/96/128 meters with a yellow aura when repaired by two plus Survivors, triggering a noise notification and lingering for four seconds if conditions change.
- Tinkerer: a unique The Hillbilly perk.
- This perk triggers a noise notification and makes you undetectable when Survivors get to 65/70/75 percent repair progress.
- Bitter Murmur: A general perk available to all Killers.
- Reveals the auras of Survivors within 16 meters of any completed generator for five seconds, and reveals all Survivors’ auras for 5/7/10 seconds when the last generator is completed.
- Spies From The Shadows: A general perk available to all Killers.
- Alerts you with a loud noise notification when a crow within 20/28/36 meters is startled by a Survivor; has a five-second cooldown between alerts.
Suitable add-ons:
- Stylish Sunglasses: A rare add-on.
- This add-on shows the auras of Survivors who mend within 24 meters of you.
- Stab Wounds Study: A very rare add-on.
- This add-on reveals the auras of Survivors who have mended for four seconds afterwards.
The speedy backpack Legion build

This build takes some skill to master but when you do, there is no stopping you. Legion will end up being able to walk faster and down Survivors easier, even when carrying another Survivor to a hook. Combining Play With Your Food and Agitation mean super speeds when carrying a Survivor, and with Mad Grit you can keep slashing at any nearby Survivors to ready up your next sacrifice. Enduring is a great perk with this build as any potential pallet stuns will have no effect, letting you freely roam around with your Survivor backpack.
- Mad Grit: A unique The Legion perk.
- When carrying a survivor, eliminates cooldowns on missed basic attacks and pauses the carried survivor’s wiggle progression for 2/3/4 seconds when you hit another Survivor.
- Agitation: A unique The Trapper perk.
- This perk increases your speed when transporting Survivors to a hook and increases your terror radius.
- Play With Your Food: A unique The Shape perk.
- As you chase your obsession and let them escape, you gain up to three tokens. each of these tokens increases your speed by five percent.
- Enduring: a unique The Hillbilly perk.
- Pallet stun durations are reduced by 45 percent and they have no effect when you are carrying a Survivor.
Suitable add-ons:
- Frank’s Mixtape: A very rare add-on.
- This add-on ensures you break walls and damage generators faster. It also pauses the power gauge while you break them.
- The Legion Pin: A rare add-on.
- This add-on inflict Survivors with the broken status for 60 seconds after they mend.
The screaming survivor Legion build

This is a fun build meant to make Survivors scream and panic. Every perk in this build makes the survivors scream, revealing their position. Dragon’s Grip, Make Your Choice, and Iron Maiden not only make the Survivors scream, but they also afflict them with the exposed status, so they are easier to down with a basic attack. It is a ridiculous build with screaming survivors everywhere, so be ready to chase each one of them down in turn.
- Iron Maiden: A unique The Legion perk.
- Increases locker search speed by 30/40/50 percent, causes Survivors exiting lockers to scream and reveal their location for four seconds, and inflicts the Exposed status effect on them for 30 seconds.
- Make Your Choice: A unique The Pig perk.
- When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from the hook, they scream and are exposed.
- Infectious Fright: A unique The Plague perk.
- Survivors within your terror radius will scream when another Survivor is put into the dying state.
- Dragon’s Grip: A unique The Blight perk.
- After you kick a generator and a Survivor starts repairing again, they will scream and become exposed for 60 seconds.
Suitable add-ons:
- Etched Ruler: An uncommon add-on.
- With this add-on Survivors hit by a feral slash are oblivious for 60 seconds, hiding your terror radius from them.
- Smiley Face Pin: A common add-on.
- This add-on causes Survivors who mend from Deep Wound to become blind to auras for 60 seconds.
Published: Jan 27, 2025 11:51 am