Imperial, the Brazilian team comprised of Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo, Fernando “fer” Alvarenga”, and Lincoln “fnx” Lau, have secured their first win in the PGL Antwerp Major Americas Regional Major Ranking (RMR) tournament today following a hard-fought victory over São Caetano, who played for the Imperial banner in 2021.
The two Brazilian sides met in the first round of the tournament and took the best-of-one action to Inferno. The map was a battle between the two teams and even though São Caetano was the clear dark horse, they put pressure on Imperial during several moments of the match.
If Imperial had not won a round with just pistols and a Galil in the 26th round and São Caetano’s Cristopher “ckzao” Chalus did not make a Desert Eagle blunder in the final round, the outcome could have been different, but instead, FalleN and company took Inferno 16-12.
While FalleN and fer had contributed only in a few rounds in terms of frags, fer was a true carry for Imperial. The 30-year-old had an incredible impact as both Counter-Terrorist and Terrorist, netting a 34-19 K/D, 117.1 ADR, and 1.71 rating.
The PGL Antwerp Major Americas RMR will continue running throughout the day. There are six Major spots up for grabs for the 16 North American and South American teams in attendance.
Published: Apr 11, 2022 07:29 am