Facing down a deadly sniper in the classic first-person shooter Counter-Strike can be one of the most challenging situations in competitive gaming. However, a bizarre new strategy just surfaced on Reddit that might be exactly what you need to survive—just throw your gun!
In Counter-Strike, it’s possible to toss your weapon aside, usually to give it to a teammate. You can also toss a weapon out trick an enemy into thinking it’s a much more dangerous item, like a live grenade or flashbang.
But in one game, a player used his weapon toss to do the unthinkable—block a sniper’s bullet. Check out the play in all its glory.
Whether intentional or not, the incredibly lucky toss turned the tables in the fight, giving the player a fighting chance. As you can see in the full video, he charges the sniper and shortly puts him down, winning the match.
H/T Polygon | Photo by half alive – soo zzzz/Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Published: Aug 11, 2014 10:05 am