Developers of games like Call of Duty: Warzone have more to worry about than just creating new content and balancing the metagame. Even if a game has the best content, it can all come crashing down if it doesn’t have powerful enough servers to host everyone looking to play.
Warzone has been out for a while and the game itself is in quite a stable state when it comes to its server, and overall stability. It usually takes a massive surge in the player count for errors like “Unable to Access Live Services” to appear, however.
These surges usually happen whenever the game releases huge content patches. Players who haven’t been playing the game may return for the new content, and the marketing for the content patch can also introduce new players to the game. The servers may struggle with an influx of players, causing some to receive errors that prevent them from enjoying Warzone.
“Unable to Access Live Services” is one of these errors and there are a few methods you can try out to fix it. Here’s how you can fix the “Unable to Access Live Services” error in Warzone.
Check Warzone’s server status
Before you try any troubleshooting methods, you should check whether Warzone’s servers are up and running. When the servers are down, none of the troubleshooting methods will be able to work since it’ll be up to the developers to get the servers back online.
Players can check Warzone’s server status through the official tracker. Once you open the website, choose your preferred platform and check their respective server status. If the servers are down, you’ll need to wait for a fix to roll out. But you can proceed with the following troubleshooting methods if they’re up.
Restart Warzone
When the servers struggle to keep up with the player base, they don’t necessarily need to go down. There’s also a decent chance you may have just received the “Unable to Access Live Services” error due to bad luck. To make sure you just weren’t unlucky, you should try restarting Warzone.
Restarting the game will simply allow you to try to reach its servers once again, and you may just be able to squeeze in through the crowd to get into Warzone.
Reset your router
Receiving the “Unable to Access Live Services” error when the servers are up and running can only be explained by local connectivity problems. The quality of your home network can cause connectivity problems like this particular error.
Resetting your router is one of the simplest troubleshooting steps you can try out to fix your home network since it’ll allow you to re-establish the connection route between yourself and your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
While you’re restarting your router, you should also restart your gaming device since tiny software glitches can cause similar errors on rare occasions. Doing these two things at the same time will allow you to save time and cover two bases.
Try out a different DNS server
Just like Warzone’s servers, DNS addresses can also struggle to keep up with the demand at certain times. When this happens, DNS servers may go down and cause users to experience connectivity problems. By default, most players use the DNS addresses that their ISP provides.
To troubleshoot your current DNS address, you’ll need to change it with a commercially available one like Google or OpenDNS. The way you change your DNS will depend on your gaming device since the process will be different for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox users. If you have never changed your DNS address before, we recommend searching for a video guide for your preferred gaming platform to navigate you through the process.
Submit a support ticket to Activision
Players who still continue to receive the “Unable to Access Live Services” error after trying all the fixes listed above will need further help with their situation. If none of the methods end up working, that means there might be a different reason as to why you’re receiving the error.
Submitting a support ticket to Activision will often be the best step in such cases. Mention all the troubleshooting steps you’ve tried so far and include as many details as possible in the form of screengrabs and videos. Depending on the time of year, the support team should get back to your case shortly.
Before resorting to this method, you can also try a completely different connection to troubleshoot your home network. The fastest way to do this will be using your cellular data plan by turning on the hotspot feature of your phone. If you can get into Warzone with your mobile connection, it means there’s something wrong with your home network and you should call your ISP to ask them to run a diagnostic on your connection.
In most cases, this error should resolve itself over time. If it appeared due to a server-related error, more players like yourself will be reporting the error to the developers and a fix should be on its way within a couple of hours.
The same also applies if the error was appearing due to an issue that your ISP caused. Other local users will also experience the same connectivity issues. Your ISP should roll out a fix quickly to ensure everyone can continue enjoying their service.
Published: Jan 7, 2022 03:06 pm