Apex Legends players can experience the battle royale without fear of intentional server crashes. Respawn fixed a disruptive exploit that allowed users to take down an entire game lobby using replicators. As a result, crafting stations are once again fully functional in all game modes.
Earlier today, developers temporarily removed replicators from all playlists to mitigate the impact of the exploit. Respawn has seemingly found a permanent solution, however.
The exploit consisted of using crafting stations to inflict a lobby-wide bug that would take all players in a match straight to the title screen and could serve as a way to prevent RP loss or just as another tool to disrupt fellow players.
While the exploit in itself was disruptive and frustrating enough, reinstating crafting and fixing the crash exploit comes at an important time for Apex. The ALGS Winter Circuit’s Last Chance Qualifiers (LCQ) are scheduled for this weekend and the Playoffs will take place next week.
The server crashes seemed to become a rather common occurrence after the Chaos Theory patch on March 9. Respawn acknowledged the bug yesterday, March 17. Since then, developers removed replicators from the game altogether and fixed the issue for good a few hours after.
The Chaos Theory patch added a new game mode takeover and the new Heat Shield gadget. It had a few unintended side effects, however, including an endless “wooshing” sound that echoed through the entire lobby and more issues with Loba’s tactical—although Respawn patched them both out in a hotfix earlier this week.
Published: Mar 18, 2021 09:41 pm