Apex Legends’ Iron Crown Collection Event brought new content, features, and controversy to the game. But one change to everyone’s favorite robot seems to have flown under the radar.
YouTuber Sethly, whose channel provides daily Apex news and updates, pointed out a Pathfinder change that didn’t make it into the patch notes.
Sethly said that Pathfinder’s legs on his legendary skins have always been bigger than all of his other cosmetics. Even though the character model was bigger on legendary skins, his hitbox remained the same. This caused frustration among players who would feel like they were shooting through “swiss cheese” and their bullets wouldn’t register.
Respawn fixed this issue in the Iron Crown update, despite it not being written in the lengthy patch notes.
Pathfinder’s model on all of his legendary skins is now slimmer, especially around the legs and hips. “Hopefully it makes it a lot easier to see where you are actually missing your bullets around Pathfinder because I know when people use those legendary skins it can be really confusing,” Sethly said.
The droid has a history of a problematic hitbox due to his nonhuman frame. When Apex was initially launched, Pathfinder had a huge hitbox that would register shots in between his legs and over his head. Respawn’s development team then slimmed down the robot’s model, which caused the opposite effect.
Since then, Pathfinder’s hitbox was fixed to closely resemble his actual model.
With this final installment to the Pathfinder hitbox saga, the “swiss cheese” model will soon be a thing of the past.
Published: Aug 15, 2019 09:50 am