Apex Legends will give fans a taste of Mayhem tomorrow. The season eight launch trailer is dropping at 10am CT on Jan. 21. The cinematic is bound to show some of the important changes coming in the battle royale’s next season, including Fuse’s kit and possibly a gruesome fate for Kings Canyon.
Apex‘s latest launch trailers have been filled with a slew of hints about the battle royale’s upcoming additions. The season seven cinematic gave fans a first look at Horizon’s skillset, introduced the new arena Olympus, and advertised the Trident, Apex’s first vehicle.
Magnanimous news is hardly exclusive to the season seven trailer, however. The Fortune’s Favor cinematic showed Loba blowing up a chunk of Kings Canyon, including Skull Town and the Thunderdome, and set the stage for Revenant and Loba’s storyline.
Respawn has revealed some details about Apex‘s next season, Mayhem. Walter “Fuse” Fitzroy is joining the Apex Games straight from the planet Salvo and he’s bringing a new armament with him: the hard-hitting 30-30 Repeater Rifle.
Fans of Apex‘s first map, however, can expect a surprise. The official web page teases an “obliterated Kings Canyon,” which means that Fuse’s arrival will lead to great changes to the arena’s landscape.
In addition to the launch trailer, players can also expect a gameplay trailer, likely coming next week, ahead of the new season. The gameplay trailer usually showcases new additions—including weapons and map updates—in more detail.
Apex‘s next season is scheduled to launch on Feb. 2—just days shy of the battle royale’s second anniversary on Feb. 4.
Published: Jan 20, 2021 11:39 am