Popular Apex Legends streamer Aceu proved he still has what it takes to be an Apex Predator after landing a dramatic game-winning shot on stream.
In a Twitch clip captured by a viewer, Aceu is tracking an enemy squad with his teammates on Storm Point. There are only two squads left, so the match is in its final moments. Using a Sentinel with a 4x-8x scope, Aceu spots a member of the enemy team underneath a railing but loses sight of them as they reposition. He pulls out Rampart’s Sheila minigun as he jumps down the middle of a zipline tower, clearly getting ready for a fight.
Instead of staying to fight, the enemy runs away and Aceu loses sight of them again. The firefight continues around him as he climbs a wall and takes in the view, looking for an enemy to aim at. After taking a few shots, Aceu pulls out his Sentinel again and makes his way back to the zip line tower. As he jumps down to lower ground, he spins dramatically and lands a no-scope shot that takes out the final enemy of the match, granting him and his squad a win. The clip ends with a stunned Aceu taking in the sight and reveling in the win.
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The play goes by so quickly that it’s almost hard to spot. At :21, Aceu begins to spin, examining his Sentinel in the process. The shot goes off at :23, with the enemy’s death box visible behind the champion text at :25. The enemy was likely attempting to hold low ground and didn’t expect Aceu to climb down that quickly, much less land such a ridiculous shot. There’s a reason he’s number 220 on the Predator list!
Published: May 23, 2022 04:23 pm