Like the mighty gods of old and the incredible heroes of legend, sometimes you need a little extra boon to help you onward to victory. That’s where all the awesome Age of Mythology: Retold cheat codes come into play.
Some Age of Mythology: Retold cheats have returned from the original RPG release—like many other features—while some are totally new for the remaster. They’re not really cheating either, but rather more like divine gifts (or something). The real trick is figuring out what special codes you have to enter to be bestowed these boons.
Here’s everything you need to know about Age of Mythology‘s console commands.
How to enter Age of Mythology Retold cheats

To activate cheats in Age of Mythology: Retold, open the in-game chat box by pressing Enter (on PC) or selecting Open Chat in the Pause Menu (on Xbox consoles). Once this chat box is open, simply enter your chosen cheat code and send the message. The effect of the chosen command (all below) will then activate.
All Age of Mythology Retold cheats

All up, there are 48 cheats and commands you can use whenever you want in this Age of Mythology remaster. They range from codes that add resources (like Food, Wood, Gold, and Favor) to summoning cheats that add Osiris, Kronos, Lazer Bears, superdogs, and more. You can also use these cheats to wield cool new god powers.
Here are all the Age of Mythology: Retold cheat codes available to use.
Cheat code | Effects |
DEVASD | Plus 10,000 Food, Wood, Gold, Favor, Plus 200 Population cap, Unlimited godpower casts, Spawns three UFOs, Disables fog of war across the map, Grants all Scout units fast move speed (can use this twice to disable this last perk). |
STONKS | Plus 10,000 Food, Wood, Gold, and Favor. |
JUNK FOOD NIGHT | Plus 1,000 Food. |
TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE | Plus 1,000 Wood. |
ATM OF EREBUS | Plus 1,000 Gold. |
MOUNT OLYMPUS | Plus 1,000 Favor. |
ENGINEERED GRAIN | Fattens herd animals. |
ATLANTIS REBORN | Spawns Kastor Older, Amanra Older, Ajax Folstagg. |
BARKBARKBARKBARKBARK | Spawns Bella, the Superdog. |
BIG PROMO | Spawns Prometheus. |
FOOTY | Spawns a football and a Mountain Giant. |
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA | Spawns Arkantos, Amanra, Ajax, Odysseus, Chiron, Eitri, Brokk, Regin, leif, and Setna. |
I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! | Spawns 100 monkeys. |
KRO NO! | Spawns Kronos. |
MOTHER NATURE | Spawns Gaia. |
MR.MONDAY | Spawns Grants Titan AI 1,000 percent handicap. |
O CANADA | Spawns Lazer Bear. |
PIECE CARTS? | Spawns Osiris. |
SET ASCENDANT | Grants vision over all animals on map. |
TINES OF POWER | Spawns Forkboy. |
TINFOIL HAT | Randomizes owner of each unit on the map. |
TITAN MONARCHY | Spawns a Titan. |
WRATH OF CYCLONE | All living, non-Nature units turn into Titans. |
WUV WOO | Spawns a flying purple hippo. |
BAWK BAWK BOOM | Grants Chicken-Meteor god power. |
DIVINE INTERVENTION | Grants an additional charge for all (already unlocked) god powers. |
FEAR THE FORAGE | Grants Walking Berry Bushes god power. |
GOATUNHEIM | Grants Goatunheim god power. |
GREEK TO ME | Grants four random Greek god powers (this replaces your existing god powers). |
HOTLANTIS | Grants four random Atlantean god powers (this replaces your existing god powers). |
N.D. NILE | Grants four random Egyptian god powers (this replaces your existing god powers). |
OF NORSE NOT! | Grants four random Norse god powers (this replaces your existing god powers). |
PANDORAS BOX | Grants four random Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Atlantean god powers (this replaces your existing god powers). |
WRATH OF THE GODS | Grants Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor, and Tornado god powers with unlimited uses (this replaces your existing god powers). |
ZENOS PARADOX | Grants four random god powers (this replaces your existing god powers). |
CHANNEL SURFING | Skips next cutscene in campaign mode. |
CLEAR SKIES | Reveals map entirely (use twice to disable this perk). |
CONSIDER THE INTERNET | Slows game speed. |
IN DARKEST NIGHT | Cycles through light settings. |
L33T SUPA H4X0R | Increases building, training, gathering, and researching speed up to 100 times faster. |
LAY OF THE LAND | Reveals map. |
LETS GO! NOW! | Doubles game speed. |
METEOR ROULETTE | Hit a random player with a meteor. |
RED TIDE | Turns water red, kills all fish. |
RESET BUTTON | Destroy all units and buildings (except for Town Centers and Citadel Centers). |
THRILL OF VICTORY | Wins the game instantly. |
ZAP EM | Bolts idle villagers after 15 seconds. |
We’ll update this list if any further Age of Mythology Retold cheats are added.
Published: Sep 2, 2024 11:44 PM UTC