Out of all the heroes you can choose in Overwatch 2, Sombra provides one unique capability: to go invisible and hunt down enemies as close to their spawn as possible. Against weaker close-range heroes, one of the easiest ways to frustrate your opponents is to wait by their spawn while invisible, only to send them back there in seconds when they leave.
Popular Overwatch 2 streamer and notable Sombra main Fitzyhere gave his thoughts in a June 2 video, where he built a tier list of heroes Sombra players should spawn camp. While it is easiest to spawn camp with Sombra, this can also apply to a lot of other flanking heroes you can sneak around with, from Tracer to even Lucio—but know that this list mainly applies to Sombra.
Top of Fitzyhere’s tier list are your usual suspects: Heroes who can’t run away from Sombra easily, nor kill her, unless they are very skilled with their aim.
The S-tier of spawn-campable heroes includes Zenyatta, Mercy, Lifeweaver, Pharah, Echo, and Bastion. Each of them shares low mobility, especially out of their own spawn. Plus, Sombra’s hack can also prevent them from using any escape abilities, like Mercy’s Guardian Angel or Pharah’s Jump Jet. When you see these heroes coming out of spawn, that’s the perfect time to get a hack and send them back.
Related: Seagull remains skeptical of Lifeweaver in Overwatch 2 despite massive season 5 buffs
For the A-tier, Fitzyhere lists heroes with limited mobility, or at least ones that can be harassed easily without their team backing them up. Those include Widowmaker, Lucio, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Baptiste, D.Va, Reinhardt, Tracer, and Genji.
The more mobile heroes on this list, specifically the last two, really need the Hack to connect for the easy kill. Even with that, their hitboxes are also forgiving, so you won’t need to worry too much about aiming like you would for heroes like Zarya or Ana.
Fitzyhere’s B-tier contains the widest group of heroes, the ones that are either more self-sustainable, can kill you quickly and easily, or are very mobile. This tier consists of the most heroes in the list, including Junkrat, Mei, Reaper, Symmetra, Zarya, Ana, Sombra, Orisa, Moira, Junker Queen, and Ramattra.
The bulk of these heroes also have tons of HP you’d have to whittle through, so getting the hack and kill on an Orisa, for example, is a lot harder than Baptiste. Trust me, I know that as an Orisa main, Sombra isn’t really a worry for me in spawn, but more so for my teammates.
Now, Fitzyhere outlined the hardest heroes to spawn camp, or the ones who can easily deal with a Sombra. Tier C has Soldier: 76, Roadhog, Doomfist, Ashe, Sigma, Sojourn, Cassidy, Brigitte and Torbjorn. There is nothing more frustrating as a Sombra player than to get what seems like a free kill on an Ashe or Soldier:76 only to get lit on fire or exploded into pieces by a Helix Rocket. Same thing with Roadhog, his hook is his saving grace against Sombra players, allowing for an easy kill post-hack if he can land it.
The only two heroes in the D-tier are Hanzo and Kiriko. All of these heroes are really tough to try and kill near spawn, thanks to abilities like Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow, one-shot capabilities from Ashe or Roadhog, or easy escapes post-hack like Kiriko and Doomfist.
Spawn-camping is a relatively underrated part of Overwatch 2’s gameplay, and it helps that a Sombra main like Fitzyhere is able to show new players which squshies to eliminate. It’ll only make Sombra plays more annoying, but let’s be honest, when hasn’t she been annoying?
Published: Jun 17, 2023 02:36 am