A dedicated Pokémon Scarlet and Violet player named Anubis has discovered something most trainers assumed wasn’t a thing—Shiny Titan Pokémon do actually exist. There are, however, a number of caveats to it.
First, it only has a one in 4,096 chance of happening between the first and second phases of each battle. Not only is that incredibly rare, but since only five of them exist, it’s tedious to keep trying via an aptly timed game save between each phase.
Second, there is no way to know if it’s actually a Shiny Titan until the battle is done and you’ve caught it. That’s because they don’t visibly sparkle like other ones in Scarlet and Violet. Instead, the only way to know if you ran into one is via the Pokédex telling you by increasing the number of Shines you’ve encountered.
Third, you can’t catch them at all, since it only has a chance of happening during the initial battle against each Titan in the Scarlet and Violet story.
To some, it might not be worth the time and effort. Others, however, might be interested in the thrill of the hunt.
Anubis also explained using Sparking Power Sandwiches to increase the odds of finding Shiny Pokémon won’t make a difference when it comes to Shiny Titans because they’re ‘static encounters.’ It’s a phenomenon that happens with Arven’s Pokémon when battling Titans too, although they can’t obviously be caught either since they’re already his. Still, it provides some insight into how the mechanic works.
The discovery piqued the community’s interest, especially since some players suspected this happened in their playthrough but brushed it off thinking it wasn’t possible.
Published: Feb 1, 2023 12:49 am