Wordle is a simple and versatile game. Different players can have fun in many ways, while other players may prefer to just watch other people play.
Competing with friends is common and when the goal is to find the answer faster instead of in fewer tries there is a strategy that can almost always guarantee optimal performance.
The most time-consuming thing about Wordle is figuring out which words to try to guess next. Reducing this time is a huge gain to get to the right answer, but hard mode must be disabled to work.
The strategy is to have a predetermined list of five-letter words that do not repeat any letters between them. There is an option with five words and some with four. Whichever you choose, using these words in quick succession will give you hints for almost every letter of the alphabet. Then just use the last available attempts to arrange the letters found in the correct order.
Lists of four words will be easier to find and many of them could be Wordle’s correct answers, although the odds are low. A five out of five words without repeating any letters is rarer and possibly only one, but it makes use of strange words that cannot be a Wordle answer.
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words with ‘O’ in the middle
If you’ve used your first guesses and only managed to find the correct answer starts with the letter “F” and has “U” in some other position, here’s a list of five-letter words that fulfill those characteristics to help you get there.
Five-letter words with ‘U’ and starting with ‘F’ to try on Wordle
- fanum
- faugh
- fauld
- fault
- fauna
- fauns
- faurd
- fauts
- fauve
- favus
- femur
- fetus
- feuar
- feuds
- feued
- fichu
- ficus
- filum
- fique
- flour
- flout
- flubs
- flued
- flues
- fluey
- fluff
- fluid
- fluke
- fluky
- flume
- flump
- flung
- flunk
- fluor
- flurr
- flush
- flute
- fluty
- fluyt
- focus
- fondu
- forum
- fouat
- fouds
- fouer
- fouet
- foule
- fouls
- found
- fount
- fours
- fouth
- fraud
- fraus
- frugs
- fruit
- frump
- frush
- frust
- fubar
- fubby
- fubsy
- fucks
- fucus
- fuddy
- fudge
- fuels
- fuero
- fuffs
- fuffy
- fugal
- fuggy
- fugie
- fugio
- fugle
- fugly
- fugue
- fugus
- fujis
- fulls
- fully
- fumed
- fumer
- fumes
- fumet
- fundi
- funds
- fundy
- fungi
- fungo
- fungs
- funks
- funky
- funny
- fural
- furan
- furca
- furls
- furol
- furor
- furrs
- furry
- furth
- furze
- furzy
- fused
- fusee
- fusel
- fuses
- fusil
- fussy
- fusts
- fusty
- futon
- fuzed
- fuzee
- fuzes
- fuzil
- fuzzy
Published: Oct 25, 2022 11:52 pm