Destiny 2 players can finally obtain more Deepsight-modded weapons after today’s Hotfix The update contains a fix to an issue preventing players from obtaining red-border weapons in their first Ketchcrash completion of the week and adds an extra avenue for players to obtain seasonal Deepsight weapons—two long-anticipated requests from fans.
After Hotfix, the Double Perk Weapon Spoils Star Chart upgrade will allow players to focus one Deepsight weapon of their choice each week. In addition to coming with double perks, the first weapon players focus with Plundered Umbral Energy each week will also be a guaranteed red border, which provides an easy way for players to obtain Deepsight-modded drops of their choice and takes the RNG down a notch.
Additionally, Bungie is fixing the Hidden Compartment Star Chart upgrade, which guarantees a weapon with Deepsight Resonance on the first Ketchcrash completion each week. For the past couple of weeks, however, players reported they weren’t obtaining any Deepsight drops, which held back Season of Plunder’s (already slow) Pattern acquisition model.
Players have been critical of Season of Plunder’s Deepsight model since early into the season. No Star Chart upgrades would overtly allow them to focus individual Deepsight weapons of their choice at the H.E.L.M., unlike the previous two seasons. Both Season of the Risen and Season of the Haunted had a built-in way to grant players Deepsight drops of their preferred weapons, though Plunder didn’t initially offer the same method.
Not having a guaranteed Deepsight copy of a specific weapon hurts players in several ways. First, it means players don’t have any agency in choosing which weapons they want to unlock and puts them fully at the mercy of RNG, whereas the post-hotfix system means there’s a maximum of five weeks before players can craft a weapon of their choosing (since each requires five Deepsight extractions for its Pattern). Additionally, not having a weekly focused Deepsight drop is one less source of Deepsight weapons, which builds up pressure when it comes to unlocking crafting recipes.
The issues with Deepsight drops are also worsened by the negative reception to Season of Plunder in some parts of the community. To some, the season feels relatively weaker than its other counterparts, with Expedition being another ill-received element of the season. Additionally, a common pain point on social media is the Ruffian enemies in Expedition, which are required to obtain the Scallywag seasonal title. For Ruffians to spawn, players have to pace themselves with the Treasure drops and must actually complete the activity more slowly if they want to see the Ruffians, which feels counterintuitive.
With the changes that arrived alongside Hotfix, however, Bungie aims to “alleviate some of the pressure” when it comes to crafting weapons, according to a blog post from last week. The changes come around the halfway mark of a season, which means players still have some time to chase some of their favorite weapon Patterns. Moreover, the seasonal content isn’t going away until Lightfall releases in February 2023, which means players still have time to obtain their Patterns—as long as they’re willing to dive into Expeditions, that is.
Published: Oct 4, 2022 12:24 pm