Hey guys it’s me Fireflyer and I’m back! For those that have been following this series I sincerely apologize for missing a release 2 weeks ago. For some reason, the Youtube channel that hosts and converts the Twitch clips from Reddit decided to not work for about a week and a half or so, which would have made the last release like 4 videos long or something. I tried to contact the person who runs the bot on Reddit or through the Youtube channel but I didn’t get a response, however it seems they’ve remedied whatever issues they were having since it’s been pulling all of the recent videos for the past 2 weeks, which means…… VOLUME 3, BITCHES! This one is going to be extra long to make up for the past month so strap yourselves in and let’s go for a ride.
Best of Reddit Clips Vol. 3
Northshire Cleric Overdose
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/nl_kripp
Here’s a clip that can teach us a few things about draw effects such as Northshire Cleric and Acolyte of Pain. In the right situations you can dramatically cause your opponent to overdraw by massively triggering those cards. My personal favorite is a shaman’s healing totem that hits multiple creatures and forces your opponent’s double Northshire Cleric to draw them 10+ cards. It’s always fun to watch and see what you get them to burn but it’s even more fun when you have them in this particular situation where you can overdraw them and burn them with mill damage. I personally make it a point never to have more than one Northshire Cleric or Acolyte of Pain in play because even one important card being burned out especially in a control deck which is where these cards mostly fit into, can finish a game.
Yogg-Saron Fail #1
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/hsdogdog
Here’s just a classic Yogg-saron, hope’s end moment where you hold your breath and he betrays you by taking your life. As a Yogg lover and someone who has played a lot of Yogg n Load hunter decks, I would have personally left the drakes and the Leeroy alive so Yogg would have more targets to choose from which may have prevented him from blasting himself but the other important thing about this video is that sometimes it doesn’t matter and Yogg will find a way to kill you anyhow which he did by using Hellfire. Yogg gives and Yogg takes.
Yogg-Saron Win #1
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/disguisedtoasths
Just to prove my point, here is a situation where Yogg just happens to give you what you need with a huge amount of luck involved. Right at the end, he hits a 1 in 9 chance of hitting the Edwin VanCleef and gets it. Thanks Yogg!
Jaraxxus hates Burglars
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/savjz
Here’s an important lesson to remember when you’re playing lord jaraxxus, be afraid of Rogues and Warlocks. Sacrificial Pact is such an easy win against any warlock deck that runs Lord Jaraxxus which happens to be all of them. The card is so good that it’s impossible not to run but when you’re playing against a Rogue that maybe had a Swashburglar come into play or an Undercity Huckster die, hold off on playing Lord Jaraxxus until you REALLY need to because there’s a decent chance that he picked up exactly what he needs to get a free win. In this video’s situation, Nefarian which is a Neutral card can do the same effect and magically gave Savjz a free win for 0 mana. It should also be noted that recently in the top brackets, Warlocks have been main decking Sacrificial Pact for the mirror match so I just like to keep my Lord Jaraxxus in hand when I play against Rogues or Warlocks right now.
Malygos OTK
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/j4ckiechan
Here you can see the full power of Malygos when combined with a good Emperor Thaurissan trigger. Currently I believe Rogue and Druid are the best at abusing Malygos because of their cheap spells like Druid’s Moonfire and Living Roots and Rogue’s Sinister Strike and Eviscerate. By holding all of your face damage spells in your hand and getting Emperor Thaurissan to trigger, you can reduce a ton of things small enough to where you can play them in the same turn as Malygos. Druid with 1 tick: Malygos, Moonfire, Moonfire, Living Roots, Living Roots is just 5 cards for 8 mana and does 34 damage. With Innervate you can do even more. Same for Rogue with 1 tick: Malygos, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate, Eviscerate is 5 cards for 10 mana and does the same 34 damage, but with Preparation and things like that Shadow Strike, you can do way more. If you haven’t tried a malygos OTK deck and have one to mess around with, I’d recommend checking it out.
Dirty Rat Save
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/nl_kripp
I mentioned Sacrificial Pact above and here’s a hilarious example of it whiffing. The opponent’s Dirty Rat pulled Lord Jaraxxus into play which means he’s just a 3/15 minion with no extra abilities. Sadly, that isn’t what he wanted since he had a Sacrificial Pact ready in hand from a Nefarian used earlier which you can see from Kripparian‘s expression is very fortunate for him. Dodged a bullet there, thanks Dirty Rat!
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/zalaehs
Guys…. *sigh* I just can’t say it enough, don’t sit there and get ready to concede if you’re about to lose. You’ll save a few seconds maybe but you also run the risk of doing THIS to yourself! He’s lucky it didn’t actually give him a loss for it but could you imagine giving a free game to your opponent all because you were too quick to get out of the game? Accept loss like a good sport and don’t hover concede just to save an extra second.
Swashburglar Luck
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/playhearthstone
Here is an impressive moment at the Winter Playoffs when DrJikininki uses an Archmage Antonidas off of a Swashburglar along with cheap Rogue cards to combo off and give himself a bunch of Fireballs. It’s insane what you can snatch up with Swashburglar, Undercity Huckster and Burgle. And in this situation, snatches him a win at the Winter Playoffs.
WOW… just… WOW
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/playhearthstone
HOLY **** what an insane moment at the Winter Playoffs. Amnesiasc has Fr0zen down to 9 health with only a Frostbolt in his hand to maybe prevent 1 damage with still 6 other damage possible in Amnesiasc‘s hand. Fr0zen topdecks a Kabal Courier for 3 mana, Kazakus off of that for 4 mana into a 1 mana potion that gives him the 4 armor he wanted to find, and also a free demon which turned out to be Lord Jaraxxus himself. A huge swing of the game with just one crafty Discover from the kabal courier.
Thanks Dirty Rat
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/nl_kripp
Here’s another Dirty Rat moment that has a great lesson with it as well. Be careful playing Dirty Rat when you’re not comboing with something like Mind Control Tech or with a board wipe since you’re pulling something onto the board. The most common situation is using Dirty Rat against Aggro Shaman and seeing that Flamewreathed Faceless hit the board and totally throw the game. In this situation it was much more interesting with a Deathwing coming into play and putting his opponent at pretty much lethal damage.
For Science!
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/thijshs
This is a video with a weird interaction which brings me to a point, watching videos and streams are really good because you learn about interactions like these which can win you a game in a situation like Thijs is in. For some reason, the Battlecry effect from Abyssal Enforcer going off twice with Brann Bronzebeard was lethal even though it also killed off a Mistress of Mixtures which is supposed to also heal your opponent for 4 health. Somehow the death triggers inbetween those two effects and bam, lethal damage.
Ice Block Workaround
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/strifecro
Here we see an interesting tech choice against Freeze Mage and Reno Mage which both use Ice Block. By getting your opponent low enough and then having them die on their turn with Curse of Rafaam dealing 2 damage to them, you can play around the secret and kill them before they can Reno Jackson back to full. You can also tell it was main decked because it didn’t show up as being created from another card, which is a very interesting tech choice which can win you games if you happen to come across these particular situations. It’s tech choices like these that really show why I enjoy Hearthstone even with all the recent hate over the Pirate meta. There are still a lot of interesting mechanics that you can play around with that make the game interesting.
“What did I just do?”
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/kolento
This is one of those crazy moments where the viewer goes “What?” and wonders why a streamer did something insanely ridiculous. In this case I would assume that Kolento was tired or something and mistook the Blastcrystal Potion for a Shadowflame which would have killed his Refreshment Vendor with Power Overwhelming and dealt 7 damage to all of his opponent’s minions, wiping the field while gaining life. Sadly, it was a Blastcrystal Potion and he threw away 3 cards to heal himself for 4 life. Warning: Do not play Hearthstone when you are tired.
Arena Mill
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/nl_kripp
This one is for you Arena players out there. Here we see why Fel Reaver which is a very strong card with a high value, can sometimes lead you down a dark path where your deck is GONE. Playing it early is always an issue because you can randomly get into these turns where your opponent has 4-5 cards and can shotgun them all down to mill your deck. My personal favorite is using Freeze effects on their Fel Reaver while I play more cards to make sure their whole deck is gone.
Arena Drafting 101
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/strifecro
With the addition of new Reno Jackson type cards such as kazakus and Raza the chained it’s important to make sure that if you do happen to draft one in Arena, IMMEDIATELY STOP ALL DUPLICATES. Exceptions can be made if like you have 0 duplicates and you want to pick up one extra Flamestrike, I could make that exception but drafting 3 of the same card is pretty tragic and leaves you with having to draw most of your deck just to activate something you would have much rather come out on Turn 4 or 5. One or two duplicates is enough, don’t go beyond that.
TESPA Champs
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/playhearthstone
This was the final play during the TESPA Collegiate Series where a MAIN DECK tech card Sacrificial Pact was put in for the sole purpose of the mirror match where it would instantly win against Lord Jaraxxus. Even better was that it was the very last card in the deck which meant they had to go real deep to find it. Congrats guys, great tech choice!
Mass Dispel
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/bmkibler
This shows just how good Mass Dispel can be when used in the right moment. First off, it draws you a card so when it comes to card advantage, it’s technically a free card, plus it only Silences all of your opponent’s minions which in the current meta is actually pretty powerful. It erases Taunt, gets through Doomsayer and can silence pesky stuff such as Flametongue Totem in Shaman or Edwin VanCleef or Questing Adventurer in Rogue. During my Ranked climb today I actually saw someone main deck one in a Reno Priest deck and it actually did pretty good against me. Don’t sleep on this card, try it out if you’re running Dragon Priest or especially Reno Priest for that single spot.
“Where ya Hex at?”
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/disguisedtoasths
It is important to remember that even in times like these, you can’t beat yourself up over bad luck. When you can calculate simple odds like a one or two in (cards remaining in their deck) chance and they happen to top deck into what they need, you just have to chalk it up to luck and go right back into the game. It also doesn’t help to taunt the single card that can stop you because it only makes the hurt twice as bad.
Madam Goya
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/disguisedtoasths
I’m sure that in this clip he just had a brief moment where he forgot to do actions in the right order but one thing I want to mention is that it’s always important to look over cards that you aren’t familiar with. I haven’t seen madam Goya or used her in the current meta at all so it actually took me a second to realize what happened in the video because I forgot how her Battlecry effect worked. He meant to put two 1/1s into play with Living Roots and then Madam Goya one of them for a free deck minion but whether he just forgot to play it in the right order or forgot how her ability worked, it pretty much cost him the game.
12 Health Warrior
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/playhearthstone
This is a great moment that shows the danger of putting a warrior at 12 or less health. Pirate Warrior is so aggressive with weapons and small pirates that you’re usually left at around 10 health or so by the time anyone can really stabilize. If you’re not using Reno Jackson to full heal yourself, it’s important that if you’re bursting down your opponent, not to put them under 12 health until you’re ready to kill them in one attack. This activates Mortal Strike (as well as Revenge which isn’t used but in case you’re in Arena) and can put you in a lethal situation. In this case, Xzirez uses Sir Finley Mrrgglton to get the Mage hero power, use it on himself to put him at 12 life and activate is Mortal strike for lethal. Great play!
Djinni takes Thijs breath away
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/thijshs
This is a great example of the new Djinni of Zephyrs Priest deck that uses health increasing cards to buff other minions and duplicate them onto the Djinni for massive effect. The combo is mostly started with casting the Djinni of Zephyrs, using Potion of Madness on your opponent’s minion which also goes to the Djinni and gives him Charge, then use health increasing cards like Divine Spirit to buff both minions and then drop Confuse to flip their health and attack and then swing with Charge for lethal damage. You can watch Thijs being one-shot in this video and gasping from the pure force of the damage.
Flamewaker rotating out
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/casualtotoro
Here you get to watch the craziness of two Flamewakers and a Sorcerer’s Apprentice cheapening spells to blast damage on this guy’s opponent. With just +1 spell damage, the Arcane Missiles in his hand and the one he gets from Cabalist Tome each deal 8 damage with the Flamewakers and with the free Mirror Image that’s 4 more damage with a total of 20 when his opponent is at 17 health. If he really wanted to, I think he can Shatter his own Flamewaker to have the other one trigger 2 more damage if he really needed it. Going to miss this guy when he rotates out this year, so play him while you can!
Paveling Potion
Credit:Â https://www.twitch.tv/kinguin_net
Here’s a sick play by Pavel where he plays Kazakus in order to use a 1 mana potion on Turn 5 to kill Pirate Warrior’s 3 minions and gain 4 armor. The 4 armor keeps him at a total of 9 health which is barely out of reach since his opponent can only use either Leeroy Jenkins and attack for 7 damage, or Kor’kron elite and Hunter hero power and attack for the same 7 damage, which won’t be enough to finish Pavel off before next turn, Turn 6, the magical turn where Reno Jackson lurks and waits to surprise your opponent and make them lose the game. This is why he’s a professional, ladies and gentlemen.
Well that officially catches us up to the present day! I expected it to be longer with all the videos posted up but it turns out a lot of them were just people venting on Reddit about the current meta. It’s frustrating but at the same time, I just don’t see the point in being negative about all of it. Hearthstone is created by professionals who have done a decent job so far to bring us something that we enjoy enough to make videos and write articles about it, so I say just focus on whatever positive you can find in the current meta and just roll with it until the bans hit and Year of the Mammoth starts up. Let’s see how the new year goes and let’s stop venting so much on Reddit.
I am officially coming back to streaming once I’m moved into my new home which will be in the upcoming week or two weeks. I’ll settle in as quick as I can and I’ve already been saving up gold on an alternate “Free to Play” account that I plan to do my Arena runs on. Earlier this week I started keeping track of my Arena win ratio after I went 12 wins TWICE in a row! Needless to say it’s obviously dropped a bit since those two but it really gave me confidence to start getting back into Arena, especially with the new Top Arena Players list that came out. Let’s see if I can get my name up there in one of the upcoming months!
You can follow my streaming on Twitch at Twitch.tv/ItsFireflyer and you can also follow my social media where I post up my screenshots of my Arena runs or broadcast that I’m hopping onto my stream. I’ll have a schedule up as soon as I move in and that should be updated on my Twitter.
Let me know in the comments below if you’re enjoying these “Best of Reddit Clips” articles, it helps me stay focused on bringing them to you every two weeks when I know people are waiting for them. I’ve already heard from some nice people so keep on commenting so I know that people want more. Also let me know below which of the videos was your favorite or helped you learn something new.
If I don’t see you soon I’ll at least see you in two weeks when Volume 4 comes out! Peace!
Published: Feb 26, 2017 08:30 pm