Welcome friends! My name is Blackacre and I piloted the Miracle Rogue to Top 20 NA. After receiving numerous requests for a guide on how to mulligan/play each of the major matchups in the metagame I have given in and created a comprehensive guide, containing 11 matchups analysis.
I’ve broken up the match analysis into multiple guides (it’s too much for one guide/sitting). This guide covers the matchup analysis of going against a Ramp Druid, as a Miracle rogue.
For the deck list and core deck guide, please find it here.
Matchup Analysis
The goal of the ramp druid deck is to accelerate their mana with cards like wild-growth and innervate and then begin to play powerful and durable minions like sunwalker and ancient-of-war before they would otherwise be able. This means that they will not be applying much early pressure to us. In fact is it rare for the ramp druid to play a minion before their third turn. However, once they do start playing minions they will generally require large amounts of resources to remove.
Since the ramp druid plays minions that effectively act as additional health for the druid we must approach this matchup with an eye towards dealing a large amount of damage. We simply won’t be able to kill the druid player before they have time to start playing these type of minions in most games, so we should prepare for them with our mulligan decisions.
Mulligan Guide
sapSap is a critical card in the matchup. In the first few turns it will help deal with an Innervated out chillwind-yeti or druid-of- the-claw and in the later turns it can clear the path to finish the game through a Sunwalker or Ancient of War. Keep one of these in your starting hand.
Thalnos is a great card in the matchup. It acts as a combo starter and the spellpower is very useful to make some of our lower impact spells able to interact with the large druid minions more favorably. Keep Thalnos and save it for later turns.
loot-hoarderThis is our ideal turn 2 play. We want to slow down the progression of the druid and that is exactly what Loot Hoarder does. It demands an answer that will generally require a turns worth of mana from the druid.
We need powerful cards to push through the effective health of the druid and these are the cards to do the job. Gadgetzan Auctioneer is the stronger of the pair, but both are worth keeping in your opening hand due to how valuable they are in the matchup.
concealConceal is a great card to keep IF we have a gadgetzan-auctioneer in hand to combo with it. Otherwise you should mulligan it.
edwin-vancleefVC is a fine card in this matchup, but you should not invest too many resources into making him big. The druid not only has 2 Keeper of the Grove to silence VC, but likely has a big-game-hunter if you decide to get greedy and make him larger than a 6/6.
Throw It Back
backstabBackstab is too low impact in this matchup. The druid will be playing minions much larger minions than can be dealt with by 2 damage. Mulligan these.
preparationThis matchup is slow enough that we will generally have plenty of time to draw into our Preparations. That being the case, we should mulligan these in search of more impactful cards.
In this matchup we will almost always want to save our Shadowsteps for finishing the game with leeroy-jenkins. Because that is the case they are effectively dead cards until the turn we aim to win the game. Therefore we are much better off mulliganing these for better early game options.
cold-bloodCold Blood should never be kept in your opening hand.
deadly-poisonThis might well be the worst matchup for Deadly Poison. The ramp druid deck runs no minions with 3 or less health. So if we intend to kill a minion with Deadly Poison we are either going to need to hit it twice or combo it with another card. Neither of these options is ideal. Therefore we should mulligan these without question.
The ramp druid will usually play no more than 1 or 2 large minions. As this is the case, Blade Flurry is not at its best in this matchup and should be mulliganed.
eviscerateEviscerate is a fine but not spectacular card in the matchup. It offers efficient damage to help clear larger minions, but it will generally not be able to clear a minion by itself. You will often need to combine it with a weapon attack or some form of spell power to get the job done and while this is an acceptable usage, it isn’t the type of card we value high enough to keep in our starting hand.
shivShiv is too low impact to keep in your starting hand. It is a useful card in the matchup to start combos, but that isn’t enough reason to forgo the opportunity to draw something more vital to the matchup.
FoK is too low impact to keep in your opening hand. Happily mulligan it.
si7-agentThis card struggles to find value in this matchup. The 2 damage from the combo will not be able to kill any of the enemy minions and the 3/3 body is quickly outclassed by larger minions like Chillwind Yeti and Druid of the Claw.
earthen-ring-farseerThis card is not very strong in the matchup. The battlecry will generally not offer value on turn 3 and the 3/3 body is outclassed by the larger druid minions.
leeroy-jenkinsLeeroy Jenkins should never be kept in your opening hand.
Closing & Other Matchup Analysis
Hope you guys find this matchup analysis helpful! I’ll be adding and creating more guides of other matchups.
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Handlock
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Token Druid
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Aggro Mage
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Priest
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Shaman
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Aggro Paladin
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Ramp Druid
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Control Warrior
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Miracle Rogue
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Aggro Hunter
Miracle Rogue Matchup Analysis Vs. Zoo Warlock
Published: Jun 1, 2014 08:01 am