For the upcoming Overwatch Anniversary Remix: Volume One event, Blizzard has announced six new legendary skins that are “remixes” of popular skins from previous Overwatch events. These skins feature new colors and details and can be purchased with in-game currency or found in event loot boxes. Overwatch Anniversary Remix: Volume One begins April 5 and runs through April 26, so players will have three weeks to nab these skins.
Blizzard’s dev team has pivoted much of its focus to the upcoming Overwatch 2 and its ongoing alpha. But the devs have two more remix events coming later this year, which will take the place of previous events like Archives and Summer Games. Blizzard has confirmed that these remix skins, alongside all other earned cosmetics and player icons in Overwatch, will transfer to Overwatch 2.
In addition to the remixed skins, players will be able to earn three existing skins through combat challenges: Nano D.Va, Bastet Ana, and Combat Medic Baptiste. Like previous Anniversary events, players will also be able to unlock all previous seasonal cosmetics during the duration of the event. Players can also participate in a rotating selection of limited-time Arcade modes.
Here are the six remixed legendary skins that will drop with Overwatch Anniversary Remix: Volume One.
Published: Apr 1, 2022 01:37 pm