Week 3 has gone by, and now it’s time for me to poke fun at the games. With the most annoying of memepicks Jungle Nidalee surfacing (and unfortunately winning), solo queue should be rather intolerable for a couple days. At least, it will be more intolerable than usual.
EU LCS Day 1: Jungle Nidalee day
Literally everyone who won this day either picked or banned jungle Nidalee, except Elements because Shook was too much of a pussy to meme that hard. Granted, that game was against MYM, who are quite literally free wins right now.
I’m personally not a fan of this jungle Nidalee meme, just because I now have to put up with morons trying to pull it off.
Battle of the memes: Jungle Nidalee vs AD Fizz toplane. Jankos may have won the battle, but the meme war is not yet over.
Copenhagen Wolves vs Gambit
God this game was so stupid. Gambit was winning for the first half, and then they throw so CW was winning until late game. Then when Gambit looks like they’re winning again, they throw….again. This was Brazil solo-queue at its finest ladies and gentlemen.
At least the jungle Nidalee meme cooled down a bit, only being picked in one game….and winning.
Gambit vs H2k
NALCS Day 1:
Gravity vs Just the TiP
I expected Dignitas or Coast to ruin Kalista’s 100% win rate, not Gravity.
Cloud 9 vs Team 8
Brokenshard said it best: “Not even Hai can f*** Kassadin up”
Dignitas vs TSM
Ironically, Dignitas were playing better with the sub jungler, but Bjergsen dunked them back into the dumpster. There was also an early 4-man gank on Dyrus which was hilarious to watch, just because it took them so long to cut down the tree.
Team Liquid vs Team Coast
Giving Piglet space to farm and get fed is a sin punishable by losing the game.
Winterfox vs CLG
Nidalee mid? What is this, early Season 4?
Day 2:
Cloud 9 vs Team Coast
The crumbling house that is Coast got demolished by C9.
CLG vs Gravity
Link doing so well this weekend gives me false hope…just like last year.
Team Liquid vs Dignitas
Rather poor drafting phase for Liquid combined with a reinvigorated Dignitas and a certain Korean ADC who wanted revenge on Piglet for denying him a spot on SKT.
Team 8 vs Winterfox
When will teams learn.
TSM vs Impulse
Someone call the fire department because Bjergsen’s on fire with Ahri. The game itself was a rather one-sided afair starting with Wildturtle stealing the first dragon with a blind Jinx rocket. The game ended before Lust Cena could combine his Raptor’s Cloak and Kindlegem into an Ohmflexer.
Bonus: GE Tigers
I think this picture says it all.
Published: Feb 10, 2015 09:20 pm