Hearthstone’s new Forged in the Barrens expansion has finally arrived.
Today, players are getting their first idea of what it feels like to play Hearthstone in the Barrens.
The current set block is one of the most exciting in Hearthstone’s history. Forged in the Barrens makes its debut alongside the highly anticipated Core set. Both of these new sets will change the way Standard Hearthstone is played entirely.
Though it will be gaining some new toys, Standard will also see some popular sets rotate to Wild today. If you’re a fan of the Highlander archetype, don’t get your hopes up for a deck with Forged in the Barrens. All of the cards that make the Highlander archetype tick will be rotating to Wild alongside everything else with Saviors of Uldum.
In actuality, there are a ton of deck types that just won’t work anymore due to all the tools they’ll be losing. Don’t be sad though; Forged in the Barrens and the Core set look like they could set up one of the most exciting metas in Hearthstone’s history. If you want a metagame that feels extremely fresh, there has arguably never been a better time to dive into Hearthstone.
Something to keep in mind for the next week is that there is no meta. Do not craft any of the expensive cards in any of these lists. Instead, use the following list as a framework to make something similar with your collection.
Vicious Syndicate’s Watcher Button Mage
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAf0EB427A9nRA/roA9bsA9jsA53uA6iKBAvDuAP3uAOk0QOO1AOS5AOW6AP36AP46AP56AOY6gPT7AMA
FlyingKraken’s Celestial Druid
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAZICBLkRutADtIoEtYoEDei6A5vOA7zQA5PRA97RA/DUA4ngA7XsA77sA8DsA9yVBN2WBO+hBAA=
Dekkster’s Windfury Bird Shaman
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAaoIBpPCA5zOA/XOA67eA42fBP6fBAzbuAPw1AOq3gOr3gPy3gOI5APq5wPg7AOt7gOv7gOU8APjoAQA
Dekkster’s Dude Secret Paladin
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAZ8FBoPeA4feA/zoA4DsA9D3A6iKBAzKwQOezQOE3gOi3gPM6wPO6wPP6wPj6wPb7gPIoATJoATKoAQA
Vicious Syndicate’s Frenzy Rush Warrior
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAQcEzt4Dle0Dqu4DqIoEDby5A+LMA93NA/fUA7PeA7XeA7reA8HeA5HkA/LpA47tA5TtA9XxAwA=
Khead16’s Corrupt Control Priest
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAa0GBsi+A/zeA+rhA/njA9TtA6iKBAzU3gPi3gPj3gP73wPH4QP14QP44wOZ6wOa6wOe6wOtigTBnwQA
Vicious Syndicate’s Sigil Lifesteal Demon Hunter
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAea5AwLQ3QPUnwQO4L4D6b4D2cYD1cgD1tEDztID3dMDx90D8+MDlegD/eoDg58Etp8E7KAEAA==
Vicious Syndicate’s Nerubian Zoo Warlock
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAf0GAta5A9S6Aw61uQO2uQPLuQOVzQObzQPXzgPB0QPM0gOT3gPQ4QPK4wPv7QOEoATRoAQA
Lamalice’s Secret Hunter
Copy this code to use this deck in Hearthstone: AAECAR8E8+EDj+MD5e8D4p8EDaS5A/+6A9zMA6LOA4LQA7nSA7ThA+jhA4TiA4biA6vsA+SfBLugBAA=
Published: Mar 30, 2021 01:34 pm