Back in the Winter of 2013, when Hearthstone was young and guys like TotalBiscuit were casting matches, there was a true clash of the titans between luminaries Dan “Artosis” Stemkoski and Octavian “Kripparrian” Morosan. The pair dueled at Blizzcon before the game was even out of beta, featuring primitive decks (aggro Paladin?) and outdated cards (Noble Sacrifice?).
Artosis eventually took the series, ending after a dramatic Mage against Warrior game that had Kripp losing to Leper Gnome. Both of these players would settle somewhere far away from the competitive side of Hearthstone, instead focusing on casting and streaming. But we’ll always remember the day that Kripp got Kripp’d.
At last weekend’s SeatStory Cup, a rivalry was renewed. Right before the championship set between Jon “Orange” Westberg and Sebastian “Ostkaka” Engwall, Kripparrian and Artosis had a rematch with the exact same decks they used in their Blizzcon finals bout in 2013.
This was hilarious, mostly because man do those cards look dated now. Why did we run double Spellbreakers? Shattered Sun Clerics in every class? Why Blizzard instead of Flamestrike? Cone of Cold? PROPHET VELEN?! We’ve come a long way since beta, kids.
The inherent absurdity is all the more entertaining thanks to Frodan, who is absolutely hysterical casting this match.
Screengrab via TaKeTV/YouTube
Published: Apr 13, 2015 02:58 pm