Aggression is rewarded Arrogance is not.

The current theme of professional play is to be aggressive and more play making oriented because the objectives are lot stronger than season 4. There is a need to understand how to win the game rather than who gets to 6 items first race.

The current theme of professional play is to be aggressive and more play making oriented because the objectives are lot stronger than season 4. There is a need to understand how to win the game rather than who gets to 6 items first race. This year will be one of the most open years for winning a world championship since then mechanics can be defeated by good strategy. These are the following instances in the past few weeks where the north american or European lcs teams or players are really the worst decision making. These points should be atleast discussed by coaches of the teams and hopefully it will be fixed soon.

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1. Froggen vs Giants

He threw the game. He was the main reason elements lost to giants. You might be thinking wait that is not possible he had no deaths he was killing everyone and played really well for my fantasy LCS. Froggen did not buy anything from min 25 to 33. That is 8 whole minutes without any tower or baron or buy from Froggen. Its a key to understand that going to buy a direct zhonyas is not efficient against a team with xerath because if you give him time he will scale better to wave clear. Those 8 minutes were really critical in a game if you have a lead because you are able to take turret shots by now and you have to start diving. The second is buying rylai instead of void staff. Always in a lead please buy void staff. when the game is equal you can buy rylai. Void staff is a very gold efficient item after two 120 ap items. Its very useful. This is a play where aggression would be awarded not arrogance of waiting to buy.

2. Team liquid

They are replacing piglet this week when three of the team members are really throwing the game. I would really like to know someday the exact reasons for all the throws. Lets consider a scenario when you are playing in a lane and your lane opponent is afk for 5 mins. If you are a LCS caliber player and you still lose to the lane to the weakest champion in early game. I dont even know how that can happen. That is what exactly happened in TSM vs Liquid game. Quas lost to wildturtle after having a good time without any pressure from the jungle. He has lost all the games where he played a tank. The performance is night and day when he plays play-making vs tank. Playing tank requires skill not just blind face checking and fighting. The jungler when the team is behind and just took a successful tower initiates a fight. Midlaner misses skill-shots like the total number of pizza slices I can eat from a large pizza. yes I can eat the whole pizza myself.They may win their games this week but arrogant people will never be better in a long run.

3.Junglers of LCS

Your only objective in the game is gank a lane. You cannot outlevel your opponent by clearing jungle camps. If your mid lane gets ganked you have to gank your top or bot lane in the next minute. If buy the laning phase is over and you have only ganked three times you have failed as a jungler. A jungler is a secondary support not a third damage source.

The game is very complex if you look at the macro level. There are some strategies which are used currently being used which are more towards creating a psychological impact rather than increasing the chances of winning the game.

PS:- I did not talk about SK gaming because they will never best of 5’s if they play like they are currently playing now. Vision and Team fighting is super poor for the team.

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