The results from the All-Star votes are in and the NA LCS team seems all but finalised, providing none of the team backs out and is replaced by others.
The NA LCS team taking part in All-Stars this year is as follows:
- Jung “Impact” Eon-yeong (C9)
- Kim “Reignover” Yeu-jin (IMT)
- Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg (TSM)
- Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng (TSM)
- Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black (CLG)
The NA LCS has a nice variety of players from four different teams, making it one of the All-Stars most mixed bag of players. It will be interesting to see how they perform with some players like Reignover taking part in their first All-Stars event. Here is a full list of the results for each lane, with the top-three being shown:
- 1st – C9 Impact: 42.3%
- 2nd – IMT Huni: 21.4%
- 3rd – CLG Darshan: 11.1%
- 1st – IMT Reignover: 36.3%
- 2nd – C9 Meteos: 25.5%
- 3rd – TSM Svenskeren: 14.5%
- 1st – TSM Bjergsen: 66.2%
- 2nd – C9 Jensen: 7.2%
- 3rd FOX Froggen: 7%
AD Carry
- 1st – TSM DoubleLift: 35%
- 2nd – C9 Sneaky: 25.8%
- 3rd – IMT Wildturtle: 10.9%
- 1st – CLG Aphromoo: 55.7%
- 2nd – TSM Biofrost: 10.5%
- 3rd – C9 Bunny FuFuu: 8.3%
What are your thoughts on these results? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom.
Adam Newell is a writer for GAMURS and can be contacted in ways displayed below:
Twitter: @MonkeyKingHero
Published: Nov 8, 2016 09:21 am