At the beginning of Hearthstone, there were 2 clear types of Druid decks – the Midrange Druid and the Ramp Druid. As more cards were released, the divider between the two began to blur. Its Force of Nature + Savage Roar combo is one of the oldest and consistent threats in Druid decks.
With the release of The Grand Tournament, Druids now has answers for Aggro/Midrange decks in the form of Darnassus Aspirant and Living Roots. Druids now have a wide range of options of tech cards to handle whatever the meta may be.
Savage Combatant is an extreme tempo card if the opponent can’t remove it.
Harrison Jones is a great tech card in a weapon heavy meta. Consider another Big Game Hunter if facing a Handlock heavy meta.
Living Roots and Mind Control Tech can be subbed in a Aggro heavy meta.
Latest Decklists
Stancifka’s SLTV StarSeries Season 1 Winner – Midrange Druid
Legend Midrange Druid
Thijs EU Blizzcon 2015 Championship Winner Midrange Druid
You can check out the Midrange Druid meta deck section for all the guides/decklists on it. If you’re just starting to toy around with Patron Warrior, we recommend you starting with this beginner guide.
Be sure to check back often for the latest variation of this deck as the meta evolves.
Published: Oct 4, 2015 06:10 pm