The Young and Wise event has begun in Pokémon Go, kicking off the new Dual Destiny season as we make our way through December. The Young and Wise event features several Pokémon for you to capture, along with a pair of Collection Challenges for you to complete.
These Collection Challenges will work differently from the previous Collection Challenges we’ve come to expect these past few months. Rather than focusing on Pokémon you can find while exploring the wild, these ones exclusively appear in certain eggs and raid encounters. You’ll want to make sure to grab your daily Raid Pass if you want to participate in this event and have some room in your egg incubators. We’ll be covering all Pokémon you need to catch for the Young and Wise Collection Challenges and where you can find them in Pokémon Go.
All Pokémon for the Young and Wise Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go
Technically, there are two Collection Challenges you need to complete for the Young and Wise event during the Dual Destiny season. You’ll get two rewards but lumping them together as you work through this activity is a good idea. The first of these challenges is the hatching one, where you’ll need to acquire Pokémon by completing egg distance requirements. The second one is all about raiding and tracking down particular Pokémon who are spawning as raid bosses.
The event starts on Dec. 10 and continues until Dec. 14, giving you a short time to work on these tasks. The egg challenge is likely the most difficult of the two.
Thankfully, you can complete both of these activities by yourself, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to team up with other players. The eggs you’ll need to acquire are 2km ones, which you can get from spinning PokéStops or Gym Dials. The raid bosses are all one-star encounters, and most players should be able to participate in them by at least level 15.
Here’s a full breakdown of how to complete all Young and Wise Collection Challenges in Pokémon Go.
Pokémon | How to Collect |
Munchlax | You need to acquire a Munchlax by hatching a 2km egg. |
Phantump | You can get Phantump by challenging it from a one-star raid encounter. |
Scraggy | You can get Scraggy by challenging it from a one-star raid encounter. |
Shinx | You can get Shinx by challenging it from a one-star raid encounter. |
Smoochum | You can catch Smoochum by hatching it from a 2km egg. |
Togepi | You can catch Togepi by hatching it from a 2km egg. |
Tyrogue | You can get Tyrogue by hatching it from a 2km egg. |
Tyrunt | You can catch Tyrunt by challenging it from a one-star raid encounter. |
When you complete the egg hatching challenge for Munchlax, Smoochum, Togepi, and Tyrogue, you receive 2,000 XP and a Snorlax encounter. These happen immediately after you hatch all four Pokémon. You’ll need to free up extra space in your Pokémon collection for a chance to hatch this many Pokémon before the end of the event, and you’ll want to focus on spinning PokéStops in your local area.
For the raid challenge, you’ll want to be on the lookout for one-star raids occurring in your local area. You’ll want to stay on top of any gyms nearby locations you visit and see when these are happening. After you defeat Phantump, Scraggyt, Shinx, and Tyrunt raids, you’ll earn 2,000 XP and a Gible encounter. You shouldn’t require help from other Pokémon Go players, but it never hurts to work with others if they’re also attempting to complete this challenge.
Published: Dec 10, 2024 02:19 pm