The latest Master Duel Selection Pack was added to the hit digital Yu-Gi-Oh! game on Aug. 10.
Rage of Chaos is now available for players to spend their Gems on and the pack has officially introduced one of the most highly anticipated archetypes: Kashtira. The Kashtira archetype was released in North America’s physical TCG in October 2022 and it has seen plenty of success at numerous high-profile tournaments over the last 10 months. Now, it’s finally time for the deck to take over Master Duel—at least, that’s what players were likely expecting.
The new Rage of Chaos pack, however, simply introduces some of the Kashtira cards and does not include all of the necessary options for a full-power Kashtira deck. Notably, the powerful boss monster Kashtira Arise-Heart, the Spell Kashtiratheosis, and the Trap Kashtira Big Bang aren’t all available in Master Duel just yet.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of strong cards to pull from the latest Selection Pack, though. Kashtira players can get some important staples to prepare for the eventual release of the archetype’s additional support, while other Ultra Rare (UR) cards stand out, too.
Here are the best cards to pull from Master Duel’s new Rage of Chaos pack.
Best cards in Master Duel’s Rage of Chaos Selection Pack
Kashtira Fenrir

Kashtira Fenrir was the only card to be semi-limited prior to the release of Rage of Chaos, so it’s not really an exaggeration to say it’s possibly the most powerful card in the newest Master Duel pack. Fenrir is one of the main monsters of the Kashtira archetype with a powerful effect to special summon itself from your hand if you control no monsters. And when it’s on the field, it has another effect that allows you to banish one of your opponent’s cards face down—a key component of the Kashtira strategy.
If you’re opening Rage of Chaos packs, you definitely want to get your hands on two copies of Fenrir.
Chaos Angel

Before we dive into more Kashtira cards, Chaos Angel is likely one of the strongest non-Kashtira cards in Rage of Chaos. This unique Synchro monster can be summoned without a Tuner; instead, you can treat a Light or Dark monster as a Tuner even if it isn’t. You could, for example, summon Chaos Angel with a level four Light monster and a level six Dark monster, even if neither monster is officially a Tuner. And if you use both a Light and Dark monster to summon Chaos Angel, it gains two additional effects.
Related: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Forbidden and Limited Card list
Since this strong Extra Deck monster is somewhat generic (at least for decks with Light and Dark monsters), you’ll want to hope you pull at least one copy of Chaos Angel.
Kashtira Unicorn

Now, back to the Kashtira cards. Kashtira Unicorn is similar to Fenrir in the sense that it’s also a level seven monster that can be special summoned if you don’t control any other monsters. While Fenrir allows you to add a Kashtira monster from your deck to your hand, Unicorn lets you add a Kashtira Spell. And Unicorn has a similar banishing effect to Fenrir, except it can banish a monster from your opponent’s Extra Deck.
If you’re looking to play a Kashtira deck at any point, you should pray you get a playset of Unicorns in your Rage of Chaos pulls.
Kashtira Riseheart

Unlike Fenrir and Unicorn, Kashtira Riseheart is a level four monster that is more of an extender. You can special summon Riseheart from your hand if you have another Kashtira monster on your field. And after you summon it, you can banish a Kashtira card from your deck to banish the top three cards of your opponent’s deck and change Riseheart to a level seven monster—enabling Xyz plays if you control a Fenrir or Unicorn alongside it.
As another crucial component of any full-power Kashtira deck, Riseheart is an important card to get three copies of in Rage of Chaos.
Kashtira Shangri-Ira

Kashtira Shangri-Ira might not be a UR card like the rest of the picks on our list, but it’s still an important piece of the new archetype. Shangri-Ira is the only Kashtira Xyz monster available in Master Duel right now before Arise-Heart arrives. Whenever you’re playing a Kashtira deck, though, this is one of the main monsters you’ll be trying to summon. Combined with Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker and the other Kashtira monsters’ effects to banish cards face down, Shangri-Ira can lock your opponent out of multiple card zones and almost prevent them from playing anything.
Any player who wants to build a Kashtira deck will want to secure multiple copies of Shangri-Ira.
Published: Aug 10, 2023 09:23 pm