Normally, farming reputation in World of Warcraft entails completing countless daily, weekly, and world quests until you’re exalted with the faction in question. In Dragonflight, although there are still traditional daily and weekly grinds, you can take matters into your own hands and farm up the reputation you want or need in just a couple of hours, especially reputation with Wrathion and Sabellian.
Reputations with Wrathion and Sabellian are two sister reputations that fall under the Valdrakken Accord Renown. The reputations have unique rewards that are worth farming, especially the Epic-quality cape and black color for Dragonriding drakes. Normally, you’ll start your weekly grind by choosing your allegiance for the week, either Wrathion or Sabellian. Then, you’ll be tasked with farming Key Fragments and Key Framings to create Restored Obsidian Key and turn it into your king for the week.
Generally speaking, Key Fragments drop in abundance from mobs around the Obsidian Citadel, but Key Framings are slightly more difficult to obtain. Here’s how to get Key Framing in Dragonflight and farm up your Wrathion and Sabellian reputation in only a couple of hours.
What are Key Framing and Key Fragments used for in WoW Dragonflight?
Key Framings and Key Fragments in Dragonflight are used to create Restored Obsidian Key. You’ll need 30 Key Fragments and three Key Framings to create one Restored Obsidian Key. After you’ve gathered all fragments and framings, you simply need to click on either framings or fragments in your inventory to combine them into one Restored Obsidian Key. You can turn the key to either Wrathion or Sabellian, depending on your allegiance for the week, and you’ll earn reputation. This quest is repeatable so you can farm as many Key Framings and Fragments as you want.
How to get Key Framing in WoW Dragonflight
Key Framings and Key Fragments drop from the djaradin mobs in the Obsidian Sanctum, no matter if they are elite or just a regular mob. Generally speaking, Key Fragments, when compared to Key Fragments, have a lower drop rate. Your safest bet is to hunt down rares in the sanctum and then focus on events that you’ll start every 10 keys you turn in. Bear in mind that the drop rate has already been nerfed a couple of times, and you’ll get roughly three farmings per every 130 fragments.
Published: Dec 12, 2022 04:23 am