While some people’s biggest fear may be spiders, ghosts, or heights, a jump scare seemingly revealed what terrifies Twitch streamer Esfand the most—children.
Esfand took a small break from the WoW Classic grind yesterday to play Red Barrels’ first-person horror game, Outlast 2. But after numerous horrifying scares, the streamer may want to consider going back to Blizzard’s MMO.
After seeing an eerie light emitting from the other side of the room, Esfand yelled out in terror but kept his composure. When the camera quickly shifted to the silhouette of a little girl, however, the streamer lost it, looked away from the screen, and paused the game.
“You guys have to understand,” Esfand said. “For single men in their late twenties, children are actually the most terrifying thing you can possibly think of.”
This isn’t the first time fans have seen Esfand frightened while playing Outlast 2.
In another clip, the WoW Classic streamer was walking down the hallways of a school when he saw a hanging student pulled into the ceiling by abnormal tentacles and tendrils. When his focus adjusted on a map of the world hanging on the wall, Esfand yelped in fear before breaking down in laughter.
“Oh, that’s the world,” the streamer said.
Esfand’s popularity rose with the recent launch of WoW Classic. Fans eager to watch him live can tune in to his Twitch channel, where he streams most days of the week.
Published: Oct 28, 2019 01:27 pm