Asmongold announced that he plans on returning to streaming in a video on YouTube earlier. And after watching the video yesterday, fellow WoW streamer Esfand took sympathy with his fellow content creator.
After listening to more than 30 minutes of Asmon’s YouTube post, Esfand paused the video to discuss the role that toxicity from some viewers plays in wearing down the motivation of someone like Asmon.
“When was the last time you saw someone say something nice about him?” Esfand said. “At a certain point, that wears on you. When it seems like, you have 40, 50, 60K viewers a day, and at a certain point it just feels like everybody hates you, it’s not a good feeling.”
In his video, Asmon said that he intended to get back to streaming in the next week or so. While he didn’t give a specific date, he did say that he doesn’t plan on waiting more than two to three weeks to get back to his stream.
Esfand, a popular WoW streamer in his own right, hasn’t had the same level of success as Asmongold. But he believes that a part of the issue for Asmon is that viewers who don’t like him are more vocal than the ones who like his personality.
“I’m not saying that there aren’t a lot of people who are supportive,” he said. “But the people who are supportive and like Asmon … It seems like sometimes these people aren’t as vocal as the people who are spouting off hate.”
Published: Feb 27, 2020 11:39 am