Sonic has returned once again with the newest installment in the franchise, Sonic Frontiers. The lightning-fast hedgehog has countless foes to battle, and the speed to do it.
In this installment of the Sonic franchise, players explore Starfall Islands, speeding through tracks, and collecting Chaos Emeralds. In Frontiers, Sonic slips into a wormhole and lands in a new reality where experiences whole new areas to traverse and a boat-load lot of rings to grab.
Sonic Frontiers was released on Nov. 8 this year, and fans have already smashed through the main story, meaning there’s not much else to do in the Sonic world.
There are boss fights and enemies galore in the newest Sonic title for fans to enjoy, but once you’ve experienced all of them, can you go back and relive the epic battles just one more time?
Can you replay boss fights in Sonic Frontiers?
Sonic Frontiers does not let you replay boss fights. Players will have to enjoy what they have before it’s gone. While the Sonic Team developers thought to shake up the game with a semi-open-world change to the gameplay, they haven’t included this feature.
The devs introduced an “open-zone” method of gameplay. Players will be able to step off to the side in certain areas, allowing them to explore and divert slightly from the linear style that Sonic fans are used to.
Players can still look forward to six new islands, crawling with enemies and new characters to either battle or learn their story.
You’ll still get to experience all the fast-paced fun Sonic Frontiers has to offer, but right now there is no way to replay boss fights. You could start the game all over again though.
Published: Nov 9, 2022 07:08 pm