Pokémon Scarlet and Violet introduce a new food mechanic to the Pokémon world upon their release in 2022, replacing the ever-popular curry in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
The new delicacy in Paldea is sandwiches. Through these sandwiches, you can accomplish many different things that will influence your adventure in the expansive open world.

What is an Egg Power sandwich in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?
Making different types of sandwiches with different ingredients can add buffs to encounter rates for specific types of Pokémon, give your team boosted Exp. after battles, lower the time needed to hatch Pokémon Eggs, and more. You can gather ingredients all across Paldea in shops in different towns and cities to make your sandwiches. Different ingredients have different qualities and will result in different buffs.
Your sandwiches are fed to both your character and your Pokémon at picnics; it’s the new way to increase friendship with your Pokémon and breed them.
The only breeding method in Scarlet and Violet is through Picnics, where Pokémon Eggs will spawn in a basket at the front of your picnic table if there are compatible Pokémon in your party. The daycare no longer exists in this generation. With Egg Power sandwiches, you won’t only lower the amount of time needed for your Eggs to hatch but also get an increased number of Eggs appearing in the basket during a picnic.
The maximum number of Eggs the basket can hold is 10, so here is how you can make a sandwich that will buff your Pokémon’s breeding so you get 10 every time.
How to make an Egg Power sandwich in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

There are a few ingredients that provide the highest Egg Power buffs. You should keep an eye out for sandwich recipes that use these ingredients, and they should give you an Egg Power buff.
- Apple
- Banana
- Basil
- Jalapeno
- Kiwi
- Pineapple
- Strawberry
- Watercress
- Cream Cheese
- Jam
- Marmalade
- Olive Oil
- Vinegar
- Whipped Cream
Even if you have all of the best Egg Power-boosting ingredients, you can’t make a sandwich without knowing the recipe. So make sure to check in at the Sandwich Shop in each town you visit to keep collecting new recipes from the chef.
When looking for recipes, look for a stat buff called “Egg Power.” A +1 Egg Power buff is good, but +2 is even better. Unfortunately, you likely won’t get access to +2 Egg Power recipes until later in the game.
+1 Egg Power sandwich recipes
Here’s the full list of +1 Egg Power Sandwiches:
- Jam Sandwich
- Ultra Jam Sandwich
- Peanut Butter Sandwich
- Tofu Sandwich
- Marmalade Sandwich
- Dessert Sandwich
- Great Dessert Sandwich
- Ultra Dessert Sandwich
- Fruit Sandwich
- Great Fruit Sandwich
- Ultra Fruit Sandwich
- Sweet Sandwich
- Tropical Sandwich
The easiest and most accessible sandwich recipe for Egg Power buffs is the Jam Sandwich. All you need to make a Jam Sandwich is Jam and Strawberry, and you’ll get a +1 Egg Power buff. If you’re just starting off in your Pokémon adventure, this will likely be the sandwich you should make. The Ultra Jam Sandwich will also give you a +1 Egg Power buff, along with some additional buffs in other areas.
A Peanut Butter Sandwich will also grant +1 Egg Power. All you need to make it is Peanut Butter and Banana.
The Tofu Sandwich grants +1 Egg Power but requires a lot of special ingredients. To make it, you need two packs of Tofu and one pack each of Rice, Lettuce, Avocado, Horseradish, and Salt. This sandwich also grants Catching Power, so unless you’re going to be catching Pokémon in between your picnics, it isn’t worth making for the Egg Power alone.
The Marmalade Sandwich gives a +1 Egg Power bonus, and all you need is Cheese and Marmalade.
All of the Dessert Sandwich recipes also give you a +1 Egg Power buff. To make regular Dessert Sandwiches, you need two Apples, Yogurt, and Whipped Cream. To make a Great Dessert Sandwich, you’ll need a Kiwi in addition to the ingredients for the Dessert Sandwich. For the Ultra Dessert Sandwich, you need an extra Strawberry in addition to the Great Dessert Sandwich ingredients.
All of the Fruit Sandwich recipes will give +1 Egg Power, too. For the basic Fruit Sandwich, you need all of the varieties of fruit in the game. You’ll need a Banana, Apple, Pineapple, and Kiwi, along with Whipped Cream. If you want to make the Great Fruit Sandwich, you need to add Marmalade as well. t To make the Ultra Fruit Sandwich, you’ll need Yogurt on top of that.
The Sweet Sandwich recipe will also grant +1 Egg Power. For a basic Sweet Sandwich, you need Banana, Apple, Cheese, Whipped Cream, and Butter, making it a more complicated sandwich.
The Tropical Sandwich can be an easy way to gain a +1 Egg Power buff, with just Klawf Stick and Avocado needed.
+2 Egg Power sandwich recipes
Here’s the full list of +2 Egg Power Sandwiches:
- Great Peanut Butter Sandwich
- Ultra Peanut Butter Sandwich
- Great Marmalade Sandwich
- Ultra Marmalade Sandwich
- Great Sweet Sandwich
- Ultra Sweet Sandwich
- Legendary Sweet Sandwich
- Ultra Pickle Sandwich
- Master Pickle Sandwich
- Sweet Jambon-Beurre Sandwich
If you get the recipe for the Great Peanut Butter or Ultra Peanut Butter Sandwiches, you can get a +2 Egg Power buff instead of just +1. To make the Great Peanut Butter Sandwich, you’ll also need regular Butter in addition to Peanut Butter. For the Ultra Peanut Butter Sandwich, you add both regular Butter and Jam to the original Peanut Butter Sandwich.
Adding Butter to the Marmalade Sandwich results in a Great Marmalade Sandwich, which has +2 Egg Power. The next step up is the Ultra Marmalade Sandwich, made by adding Yogurt, which has the same buff.
If you add Salt to the Sweet Sandwich, you will get a Great Sweet Sandwich, and if you add Basil to the Great Sweet Sandwich, you can make the Ultra Sweet Sandwich. Both the Great Sweet Sandwich and Ultra Sweet Sandwich give a +2 Egg Power buff.
The Ultra Pickle Sandwich also grants a +2 Egg Power buff. To make it, you need Pickle, Watercress, Basil, and Olive Oil. The Master Pickle Sandwich also gives the same buff but requires more ingredients, so if you’re just looking for the Egg Power buff, it’s not worth it to make the Master Version.
Some +2 Egg Power sandwiches require Herba Mystica to make. You can make the Sweet Jambon-Beurre with Butter, Ham, and Sweet Herba Mystica. To upgrade your Sweet Sandwich to Legendary status, you’ll need Sweet Herba Mystica as well.
After you make a Sandwich, you and your Pokémon will eat it, and the buffs will last for a certain amount of time. To check your current buffs, all you need to do is press the right arrow on the D-pad (on the left Switch joycon) while in-game in Scarlet and Violet.
Keep in mind that if you’re only making sandwiches for the purpose of Egg Power buffs, you’ll likely want to make the sandwiches that offer you the highest buff (+2) using the least number of ingredients. This will keep the cost down and allow you to save ingredients for other sandwiches.
However, if you’re interested in letting your Pokémon play around with some other buffs while you work to hatch your eggs, a more complicated sandwich could be just what you’re looking for.
Related: All Shiny Locked Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet on Prima Games
Published: Dec 10, 2023 03:04 pm