The first Pokémon Go event for March is now underway, with players getting some intense training from Fighting-type Pokémon during the Catch Mastery event.
Running from 10am to 8pm local time on March 5, an increased number of Fighting-type Pokémon will be appearing—with a specific focus on Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop, with Tyrogue thrown in via 7km Eggs.
Throughout the event, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop will have a higher chance of being Shiny. Additionally, all of the research going live will give players dozens of bonus encounters with Hitmontop along with some nice rewards too.
Related: Niantic is taunting Pokemon Go players with Hawlucha Timed Research they can never complete
If you plan on taking part in this limited event, here are all of the Catch Master Timed and Field Research tasks that you can finish for rewards.
All Catch Mastery Timed Research tasks and rewards in Pokémon Go
All Catch Mastery Timed Research
Catch Mastery page one
- Catch two Hitmonchan
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch two Hitmonlee
- Hitmontop encounter
- Make three Nice Throws
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, 10 Poké Balls, and 500 XP
Catch Mastery page two
- Make five Nice Throws
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch five Fighting-type Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
- Use three Berries to help catch Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, Five Nanab Berries, and 500 XP
Catch Mastery page three
- Make five Nice Curveball Throws
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch five Fighting-type Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
- Use three Nanab Berries while catching Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, five Razz Berries, and 500 XP
Catch Mastery page four
- Make three Nice Curveball Throws in a row
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch five Fighting-type Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
- Use three Razz Berries to help catch Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, Pinap Berries, and 500 XP
Catch Mastery page five
- Make five Nice Curveball Throws in a row
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch five Fighting-type Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
- Use three Pinap Berries while catching Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, 10 Poké Balls, and 1,000 XP
Catch Mastery page six
- Make three Great Throws
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch five Hitmonchan
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch five Hitmonlee
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, 10 Great Balls, and 1,000 XP
Catch Mastery page seven
- Make three Great Curveball Throws
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch 10 Hitmonchan
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch 10 Hitmonlee
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, 10 Ultra Balls, and 1,000 XP
Catch Mastery page eight
- Make five Great Curveball Throws
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch 10 Hitmonchan
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch 10 Hitmonlee
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, 500 Stardust, and 1,500 XP
Catch Mastery page nine
- Make three Great Curveball Throws in a row
- Hitmontop encounter
- Catch 10 Fighting-type Pokémon
- Hitmontop encounter
- Make an Excellent Throw
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, 1,00 Stardust, and 2,000 XP
Catch Mastery page 10
- Make five Great Curveball Throws in a row
- Hitmontop encounter
- Make an Excellent Throw
- Hitmontop encounter
- Make an Excellent Curveball Throw
- Hitmontop encounter
Total Reward: Hitmontop encounter, 1,500 Stardust, and 3,000 XP
All Catch Mastery Field Research
- Make three Curveball Throws in a row
- Hitmontop encounter
- Make five Great Curveball Throws
- Hitmontop encounter
- Make seven Great Throws
- Hitmontop encounter
Published: Mar 4, 2023 08:54 pm