Payday 3‘s heists will require some finesse if you want to get the most loot. You’ll need to sneak around to find keycards, passwords, and other information. You’ll need to get to the basement if you want the jackpot in the Dirty Ice heist—but of course, the basement needs a code if you want to sneak inside.
The Basement code has different locations that will change. You’ll get a new code each time you launch the heist, but the locations where you can find the code remain the same. Dirty Ice is a quick heist if you know what you’re doing, which makes it our favorite heist to farm XP. Finding the basement code is essential if you want to steal whatever Ashton fine Jewelry has hidden in its VIP room. And luckily for heisters, figuring out the basement code is simple if you know where to look.
Basement code location in the Dirty Ice heist in Payday 3
The basement code can be in three different locations, which are randomized. To find out where you need to go, interact with the computer in the manager’s office. Hacking the computer gives you access to several emails, and one of them is conveniently named “Basement Code.” This will tell you that the security division changed the password, as requested by the manager, and the new code will be in one of three locations:
- A notepad on the storage cabinet in the VIP room
- The Wi-Fi code on the break room
- The employee of the month picture in the main lobby
Each of these locations will have a four-digit code, so one of them will be the correct one. You could always get it right through trial and error, though the quickest and most efficient way is to get it right the first time. Here’s where you can find each of the codes. Some of these locations might change slightly depending on the layout of the heist.
Code: Storage cabinet in the VIP room
Enter the VIP showroom by scanning the QR code from the phone in the manager’s office. Once you’re inside, take out the camera and look for a notepad on the table on the other side of the room, with one necklace display on each corner.

Code: Employee of the month picture in the main lobby
You don’t need to go all the way to the main lobby to get this employee of the month code. Open the VIP showroom with the QR code from the manager, then open the door on the left side of the room and take a peek at the employee of the month picture from there. The employee of the month’s ID will have four digits (5999 in this case), so just keep the number in mind and close the door like nothing happened.

Code: Wi-Fi password on the break room
From the manager’s office, take the main doorway (the one that was locked when you came in) and look to your left to find the break room. The code will be on the whiteboard, though you may need to get a bit closer to see it.

What to do in the basement in Dirty Ice?
You need to get to the basement in Dirty Ice to complete a myriad of objectives. You’ll need to disable the alarm on the display cases in the VIP showroom, and you’ll also need a red keycard to open the two-step vault door. They’re both conveniently in the same room, so use the newfound password to open the door. You’ll need to manually click each number, then hit the green check to open the door.
Pointing your lantern at the keypad will highlight the most-used numerals, which correspond to the four digits in our password. In this case, our basement code was in the VIP room, so we just put in 6419.

Once you’ve opened the door, mind the cameras that will be on the way. One will be right in the corridor after opening the door, so dispose of it quickly before it alerts the guards. You’ll also find another camera and a security guard up ahead, so make short work of them.
After the coast is clear, pick the door just to the left of the room. This door is furthest from the stairs you came in from and doesn’t require a keycard to open. Inside, you’ll find a switch that disables the display case alarms (on the right) and the red keycard on top of a table. You can use the red keycard to open the vault, though you’ll need some help to get it open since you need to press two buttons at the same time.
You’ll also find a safe within the same room, which you can crack open by following the arrows on the screen. Opening them will let you photograph some documents and blackmail the manager into coming in, which will let you access the jewelry workshop.
Published: Sep 21, 2023 5:38 PM UTC