Overwatch’s Summer Games event is potentially a few hours away, but a whole bunch of the new skins have just leaked on Imgur.
Related: See all the new Summer Games skins
Let’s just say, these will be worth the wait. Sombra, Junkrat, Soldier: 76, Widowmaker, and Reaper will all get new skins when Summer Games goes live, according to these leaked images. An earlier leaked image shows Mercy wearing goddess Nike-inspired garb.
Here are the leaked skins.
We’ve got what looks like bikini Widowmaker, grillmaster Soldier: 76, diver Sombra, lifeguard McCree, and cricket Junkrat. You’ll likely remember Sombra’s new gun from the Doomfist promotional video.
Alongside these new skins, the leaked images show some new highlight intro stills, as well as some new Olympic-themed poses.
Overwatch’s Summer Games event will go live later today on all platforms. After seeing these leaked images, we’re even more pumped than before.
H/T Imgur
Published: Aug 8, 2017 11:01 am