Teemo is currently disabled on Patch 7.1 due to an invisibility bug causing him to go a lot quicker than expected, or so we believe.
As you can imagine, this news has garnered different reactions from fans, either hailing the departure of League of Legends’s satan, calling for someone’s head or even proclaiming that it’s the sign of an incoming rework.
Regardless, there is no word yet on how long it will take for Teemo to return to the game, so everyone can enjoy their time on the Rift, for now, with no shrooms to look out for.
Adam Newell is a journalist for @GAMURScom and can be contacted in ways displayed below. If you have any tips or want anything covered, be sure to let us know:
Email: adam.newell10@outlook.com
Twitter: @MonkeyKingHero
Photo credits: Riot Games
Published: Jan 14, 2017 01:03 pm