After seeing her win rate drastically fall, Aurora, League of Legends’ newest champion, has been buffed in a micropatch.
Only a few days ago, Aurora was dominating Summoner’s Rift, and players were even complaining about the champions’ strength. But now, her win rate has dipped well below 50 percent, according to League of Graphs.
Aurora’s win rate is 46 percent at the time of writing, a six percent dip from just under a week ago when she was dominating the Rift. Just a few days ago, Riot rolled out a micropatch nerf for the witch between worlds, lowering her base stats and damage while increasing the cooldown on Twofold Hex (Q). These changes, intended to lower her dominance in the top lane, had a more drastic effect than intended.
League of Legends lead champion designer Blake “Squad5” Smith explained the current situation with Aurora on X, formerly Twitter. Squad5 said Riot is introducing another micropatch to “bring her to where we wanted her to be,” and apologized to the fans for the “whiplash.”

So, what’s changing with the new micropatch buff? Aurora’s passive ratio increases from 1.5 percent AP to 2 percent AP. Twofold Hex(Q)’s cooldown changes are reverted from 9-7 to 8-6, and her Q2 minion damage is partially reverted from 75 percent to 60 percent. Squad5 explains they want Aurora to have more scaling power with her passive while being weaker in the lane to stop her from being oppressive.
These changes should balance out the champion, who’s been on both ends of the spectrum since their release. A six-percent drop over the past few days is quite drastic, and Riot needs to find a way to keep the champion balanced in both the top and mid lanes.
Across all ranks, the split between the top and mid lanes is 35%/57.8%. For the presence split, Squad5 wants it to be “30/70 at max.” Aurora is designed to be a mid lane champion and these changes should push her back toward the Riot’s intended place.
Published: Aug 6, 2024 06:38 am