League of Legends fans are coming off a rather busy summer period filled with in-game events like Spirit Blossom and Pulsefire. Though the Worlds 2020 event just started, it doesn’t change the fact that we’re getting dangerously close to the holiday season, which means more thematic events fitting the decorations you see outside.
A Twitter leak surfaced today showcasing Harrowing skin concepts for Amumu and Elise, possibly the two best champions to get a skin during Halloween.

The ever-sad jungler Amumu looks like he’s getting a hairdo with his head replaced by a pumpkin. Fitting his lore and character, Amumu is sitting on a seesaw by himself with another pumpkin that’s seemingly lighter than him. If we don’t count the Hextech skin he received last year in September, Amumu’s last commercially available was his Infernal skin, which was released in 2018. The saddest jungler in the game will be getting his first skin in two years, which is always good news for League players who main him.
Elise, on the other hand, was in an even worse shape than Amumu. The champion’s last skin, Super Galaxy Elise, was released in 2017, and just like Amumu’s, it was out of the champion’s character. These two champions feature Halloween’s basic characteristics in their base models, making them the two perfect candidates to receive skins during the occasion.
One important thing to notice in Elise’s witchy splash art is a flying pumpkin that has spider legs. This could indicate that the champion’s spiderlings can turn into pumpkin-lings as a part of the skin. An inclusion like this could be enough for other junglers to become Elise mains for a while—at least until the Halloween season ends.
These two splash arts were apparently attached to a survey that was emailed out to selected League players by Riot. While the details of the survey are unknown, it isn’t surprising to see skins with Halloween concepts to start popping up since Riot hasn’t missed a single Harrowing event since 2010. Each year’s event introduces at least two new skins alongside a fantastic seasonal version of Summoner’s Rift.
Though Riot hasn’t mentioned any dates for this year’s Harrowing event, it usually kicks off around the third week of October.
Published: Sep 27, 2020 07:40 pm