High on Life is the latest comedic adventure from Squanch Games, the studio headed by popular animator, writer, and voice actor Justin Roiland. The new title is filled with classic arcade shooter mechanics and upgrades, such as the jetpack that allows players to travel more freely across each level.
Players will have to earn this upgrade by getting about halfway through the game.
After getting the jetpack, players will have new opportunities to explore the world around them and find more collectibles. Here’s all the info you need to know about where to get the Jetpack in High on Life.
Where to find the Jetpack in High on Life
You’ll unlock the Jetpack about halfway through the game after you meet Clugg, the staunch anti-drug politician running for mayor of Blim City.
After that, you’ll be able to teleport back to your home in Blim City, where you’ll need to buy a reservation card from the pawn shop. After a transition that lasts a few days, you’ll load into a nighttime section of Blim City and test it out.
The Jetpack is one of the most useful tools in High on Life, but it can start out a little underpowered for some of the collectibles.
Luckily, you can find upgrades in the pawn shop and at mini-shops throughout each level. Some of these upgrades will allow you to go higher, increase your fuel storage, and help you extend the time you can hover in the air.
Increasing your Jetpack’s capabilities will definitely come in handy in some of the later boss fights where staying in the air is a priority.
That’s all you need to know about the Jetpack in High on Life.
Published: Dec 14, 2022 12:31 am