Fade2Karma is a new professional eSports Hearthstone team that was formed recently. It consists of top players like Hawkeye and Dethelor. (Gosugamers announcement here, F2K’s Twitter and LiquidHearth‘s announcement here.)
The F2K Meta Report focuses on the class/deck representation in the European Legend Ladder on a biweekly basis. Hundreds of ladder games played by our players allow us to determine which are the most popular decks on ladder and which decks have fallen out of favor by most.
Since this is our first report ever and coincidently also the last one for the Black Rock Mountain era, it is a good summary on what happened after BRM release.
The Ranking
Popular (Green)Â Average (Yellow)Â Out of Meta (Red)
Sample Deck Lists
- Patron Warrior, Control Warrior
- Midrange Hunter, Aggro Hunter
- Zoolock, Handlock
- Aggro Paladin, Midrange Paladin
- Mech Mage
- Combo/Midrange Druid
- Lightbomb Priest
Check out the Meta Deck section if you wish to look for guides on playing the decks listed above.
New month, new season means that people want to climb to legend. How do you climb to legend the fastest? By using aggressive decks that have a decent win rate in the meta , so that you can grind a lot of games in a short time.
This means that Zoo becomes the most popular deck in the meta, pushing warlock to the top of our ranking. As a surprise runner-up we have Mage this week. A lot of Tempo Mages and the unexpected resurgence of Mech Mage as an additional aggro deck within the class boost Mage past Warrior, Hunter and Paladin. One of the more popular decks this week was Combo Druid. It still wasn’t enough to make the class crack the 10% threshold.
Priest makes a small comeback due to Lightbomb/Deathlord Priest being a viable counter to all the aggro on ladder. It manages to overtake Oil Rogue which barely saw any play this week. Shaman is waiting for its buff in TGT at the bottom of the ranking.
Not much can be said about this weeks meta, besides people favoring aggro over midrange and control, to climb the ladder as fast as possible. The Bottom tier classes are desperately waiting for a buff in TGT in order to compete with the fast proactive decks.
Published: Aug 11, 2015 10:06 am